Need another word that means the same as “cried”? Find 30 related words for “cried” in this overview.
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Associations of "Cried" (30 Words)
bawl | Make a raucous noise. I sat on the couch and bawled my eyes out. |
bellow | United States author (born in Canada) whose novels influenced American literature after World War II (1915-2005. A dozen large men were bellowing Jerusalem. |
complain | Express complaints discontent displeasure or unhappiness. You never listen to me Larry complained. |
croon | A soft, low voice or tone. Goodbye you lovely darling she crooned. |
elegy | A mournful poem; a lament for the dead. |
gripe | Secure a boat with gripes. Holidays make no difference to Simon Pat griped. |
growl | The sound of growling as made by animals. Keep out of this he growled. |
holler | A loud cry or shout. He hollered out to surrender our weapons. |
howl | Make a howling sound. Howl with sorrow. |
howling | Filled with or characterized by howling. Their howling had no effect. |
lament | A mournful poem a lament for the dead. There were constant laments about the conditions of employment. |
lamentation | A cry of sorrow and grief. Scenes of lamentation. |
plaintive | Sounding sad and mournful. A plaintive cry. |
roar | A loud, deep sound uttered by a person or crowd, generally as an expression of pain, anger, or approval. Her remarks brought a roar of laughter from the old man. |
screech | Make a high pitched screeching noise. He ducked at the screechings of shells. |
shout | Prevent someone from speaking or being heard by shouting. His words were interrupted by warning shouts. |
shriek | Sharp piercing cry. The wheels shrieked as the car sped away. |
shrill | Utter a shrill cry. Shrill criticism. |
sniffle | Cry or whine with snuffling. She had a slight cough and a sniffle. |
snivel | An act or sound of snivelling. Stop snivelling you got yourself into this mess. |
sob | An act or sound of sobbing. He broke down and sobbed like a child. |
squawk | The noise of squawking. With a startled squawk the rook flew off. |
squeak | Something achieved (or escaped) by a narrow margin. The door opened with a slight squeak. |
squeal | Make a squeal. She feared they would victimize her for squealing on their pals. |
wail | Utter a wail. Wail in self pity. |
weep | A fit or period of weeping. She rubbed the sore making it weep. |
whimper | A whimpering sound. He s not dead is he she whimpered. |
whine | Give or make a long, high-pitched complaining cry or sound. The whine of the engine. |
whinny | Of a horse make a whinny. The pony whinnied and tossed his head happily. |
yell | A loud utterance of emotion (especially when inarticulate. You don t have to yell I can hear you just fine. |