CULPABILITY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CULPABILITY?

Need another word that means the same as “culpability”? Find 9 synonyms and 30 related words for “culpability” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Culpability” are: blameworthiness, culpableness, guilt, blame, fault, responsibility, accountability, liability, answerability

Culpability as a Noun

Definitions of "Culpability" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “culpability” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • Responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame.
  • A state of guilt.

Synonyms of "Culpability" as a noun (9 Words)

accountabilityResponsibility to someone or for some activity.
Lack of accountability has corroded public respect for business and political leaders.
answerabilityResponsibility for explaining or justifying one’s actions.
The answerability of governments to the citizenry.
blameA reproach for some lapse or misdeed.
They are trying to put the blame on us.
blameworthinessA state of guilt.
culpablenessA state of guilt.
faultResponsibility for a bad situation or event.
A landscape broken by numerous faults.
guiltThe state of having committed an offense.
It is the duty of the prosecution to prove the prisoner s guilt.
liabilityA person or thing whose presence or behaviour is likely to put one at a disadvantage.
She said the party had become a liability to green politics.
responsibilityThe state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.
He holds a position of great responsibility.

Usage Examples of "Culpability" as a noun

  • A level of moral culpability.

Associations of "Culpability" (30 Words)

allegationA formal accusation against somebody (often in a court of law.
An allegation of malpractice.
convictA person who has been convicted of a criminal offense.
The thieves were convicted of the robbery.
convictionA final judgment of guilty in a criminal case and the punishment that is imposed.
She takes pride in stating her political convictions.
criminalA person who has committed a crime.
A criminal offence.
delinquencyMinor crime, especially that committed by young people.
Social causes of crime and delinquency.
delinquentA delinquent person.
Juvenile delinquents.
depravedMorally corrupt; wicked.
He was a depraved lecher.
feloniousRelating to or of the nature of felony.
They turned their felonious talents to the smuggling trade.
felonyA crime regarded in the US and many other judicial systems as more serious than a misdemeanour.
An accusation of felony.
forgiveStop blaming or grant forgiveness.
He proposed that their debts should be forgiven.
immoralNot adhering to ethical or moral principles.
They considered colonialism immoral.
improperNot conforming to legality, moral law, or social convention.
Improper attire for the golf course.
inequitableUnfair; unjust.
Inequitable taxation.
inmateA person serving a sentence in a jail or prison.
Inmates of the Louisiana State Penitentiary.
killerAn extremely difficult or unpleasant thing.
Heart disease is the biggest killer in the United States.
licentiousDisregarding accepted conventions, especially in grammar or literary style.
Unlike many of the artists who frequented the Soho scene of the 1960s he did not lead a licentious life.
malfeasanceWrongdoing, especially (US) by a public official.
misbehave(of a person, especially a child) fail to conduct oneself in an acceptable way; behave badly.
The children misbehaved all morning.
misbehaviorImproper or wicked or immoral behavior.
misconductActivity that transgresses moral or civil law.
The committee reprimanded two members who were found to have misconducted themselves.
mistakeTo make a mistake or be incorrect.
She made the mistake of thinking they were important.
negligenceFailure to take proper care over something.
His injury was due to the negligence of his employers.
perjuryThe offence of wilfully telling an untruth or making a misrepresentation under oath.
He claimed two witnesses at his trial had committed perjury.
perversityA deliberate desire to behave in an unreasonable or unacceptable way; contrariness.
There will always be a few people who through macho perversity gain satisfaction from bullying and terrorism.
transgressionThe spreading of the sea over land as evidenced by the deposition of marine strata over terrestrial strata.
Her transgression of genteel etiquette.
unconscionableLacking a conscience.
An unconscionable liar.
unethicalNot morally correct.
It is unethical to torment any creature for entertainment.
unfitMake unfit or unsuitable.
The increase in the number of unfit and overweight children is alarming.
unjustViolating principles of justice.
Resistance to unjust laws.
wrongTreat unjustly do wrong to.
I have done you a great wrong.

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