DEALT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEALT?

Need another word that means the same as “dealt”? Find 30 related words for “dealt” in this overview.

Associations of "Dealt" (30 Words)

agentAny agent or representative of a federal agency or bureau.
A trained intelligence agent.
apportionmentThe action or result of apportioning something.
The apportionment of blame.
auctionSell or offer for sale at an auction.
The painting was auctioned at Christie s.
auctioneerA person who conducts auctions by accepting bids and declaring goods sold.
bargainNegotiate the terms and conditions of a transaction.
He didn t bargain on this storm.
buyBe a buyer for a store or firm.
The stock was a real buy at that price.
buyerA person who buys.
contractContract bridge the highest bid becomes the contract setting the number of tricks that the bidder must make.
He contracted a debt of 3 300.
copeA long cloak; worn by a priest or bishop on ceremonial occasions.
His ability to cope with stress.
fishmongerSomeone who sells fish.
grappleTo grip or seize, as in a wrestling match.
He grappled the young man around the throat.
handleHandle effectively.
He handled himself with considerable aplomb.
hucksterWrangle (over a price, terms of an agreement, etc.
He was huckstering a video.
manageBe the manager of a sports team or a performer.
She manages horses better than anyone I know.
marketerA person or company that advertises or promotes something.
A leading manufacturer and marketer of medical products.
marketplaceThe world of commercial activity where goods and services are bought and sold.
The changing demands of the global marketplace.
outsellSell more than others.
This salesman outsells his colleagues.
peddlePromote (an idea or view) persistently or widely.
He was arrested after trying to peddle guns.
priceAttach price labels or tickets to an item for sale.
The watches are priced at 55.
purchaserA person who buys something; a buyer.
One of the club s prospective purchasers.
salesmanA man salesperson.
An insurance salesman.
salespersonA salesman or saleswoman (used as a neutral alternative).
sellAn act of selling or attempting to sell something.
I was trying to sell him my butterfly collection.
sellerA product that sells in some specified way.
The book became the biggest seller in the history of royal publishing.
storekeeperA merchant who owns or manages a shop.
tradingThe action or activity of buying and selling goods and services.
Trading profits leapt.
transactConduct business.
Transact with foreign governments.
transfereeSomeone who transfers or is transferred from one position to another.
vendSell (something.
There was a man vending sticky cakes and ices.
vendorSomeone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money.
An Italian ice cream vendor.

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