DEBRIEFING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEBRIEFING?

Need another word that means the same as “debriefing”? Find 30 related words for “debriefing” in this overview.

Associations of "Debriefing" (30 Words)

advertAn advertisement.
assemblageSeveral things grouped together or considered as a whole.
Some vast assemblage of gears and cogs.
assemblyA group of people elected to make laws or decisions for a particular country or region.
He was told off for talking in assembly.
associationalOf or relating to associations or associationism.
attendPay attention to.
The children in the audience attended the recital quietly.
attendeeA person who attends a conference or other gathering.
The gathering satisfied both organizers and attendees.
audibleA football play is changed orally after both teams have assumed their positions at the line of scrimmage.
He saw two safeties sneaking up and called an audible.
audienceAn opportunity to state your case and be heard.
The programme attracted an audience of almost twenty million.
briefInstruct a barrister by brief.
A pair of extremely brief black shorts.
conferenceTake part in a conference or conference call.
I conferenced with a senior analyst at the Congressional Research Service.
congressA national legislative assembly.
An international congress of mathematicians.
consultAn act of consulting a professional a consultation.
Patients are entitled to be consulted about their treatment.
conveneCome or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble.
The students were convened in the auditorium.
conversationA talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged.
The two men were deep in conversation.
convocationA group gathered in response to a summons.
The arguments delayed the convocation of the first congress planned for February 1992.
convokeCall together.
She sent messages convoking a Council of Ministers.
gatheringThe act of gathering something.
A family gathering.
listenAn act of listening to something.
If I ve had a stressful day I love to chill out and listen to music.
meetingA formally arranged gathering.
There was an informal meeting in my living room.
minutesA written account of what transpired at a meeting.
overhearHear (someone or something) without meaning to or without the knowledge of the speaker.
We overheard the conversation at the next table.
pithinessTerseness and economy in writing and speaking achieved by expressing a great deal in just a few words.
plenaryFull in all respects.
The following speakers will present plenary addresses at the conference.
reportBe responsible for reporting the details of as in journalism.
The report of his speech.
seminarA class at university in which a topic is discussed by a teacher and a small group of students.
A seminar group of sixteen students.
sessionA period of recording music in a studio especially by a session musician.
The governor called this week s special session to reconsider the decision.
snapshotA record of the contents of a storage location or data file at a given time.
A collection of family snapshots.
speakerA person who speaks a specified language.
The two speakers let the netbook feature stereo sound.
succinctnessTerseness and economy in writing and speaking achieved by expressing a great deal in just a few words.
uninformativeNot providing particularly useful or interesting information.
The coverage is brief and uninformative.

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