DEBUNKED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEBUNKED?

Need another word that means the same as “debunked”? Find 30 related words for “debunked” in this overview.

Associations of "Debunked" (30 Words)

affirmTo declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true.
Good teachers know that students need to be both affirmed and challenged.
announceMake known make an announcement.
He announced his retirement from international football.
assertPostulate positively and assertively.
Women should assert themselves more.
averTo declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true.
I don t have to do anything it s his problem he averred.
confirmAdminister the rite of confirmation to.
The Senate confirmed the President s candidate for Secretary of Defense.
corroborateSupport with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm.
The witness had corroborated the boy s account of the attack.
declareDeclare to be.
Pakistan declared at 446 for four.
denudationThe removal of covering.
discloseDisclose to view as by removing a cover.
The curtain rose to disclose a stunning set.
disclosedMade known (especially something secret or concealed.
The disclosed purpose of their wicked plan.
disclosureThe action of making new or secret information known.
A judge ordered the disclosure of the government documents.
displayAttract attention by displaying some body part or posing of animals.
Both players displayed a great deal of spirit.
exhibitAn exhibition.
The museum had many exhibits of oriental art.
expatiateSpeak or write in detail about.
She expatiated on working class novelists.
exposeExpose or make accessible to some action or influence.
Students were exposed to statistics in high school.
expressGive expression to.
She would express her milk using a pump and take it home for her baby.
expressionismA style of painting, music, or drama in which the artist or writer seeks to express the inner world of emotion rather than external reality.
fallacyA misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning.
The potential for fallacy which lies behind the notion of self esteem.
indicateIndicate a place direction person or thing either spatially or figuratively.
His tone indicated that he didn t hold out much hope.
invalidateDeprive (an official document or procedure) of legal validity because it contravenes a regulation or law.
A technical flaw in her papers invalidated her nomination.
justifyShow to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for.
The situation was grave enough to justify further investigation.
publiclySo as to be seen by other people; in public.
She admitted publicly to being a communist.
revealMake (something) known to humans by divine or supernatural means.
The truth revealed at the Incarnation.
shallownessLack of physical depth.
Take into account the shallowness at that end of the pool before you dive.
substantiateEstablish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts.
Our ideas must be substantiated into actions.
theodicyThe branch of theology that defends God’s goodness and justice in the face of the existence of evil.
Those seeking a theodicy.
uncoverMake visible.
He stopped short reverentially uncovered and stood bare headed till the line of mourners had passed.
unveilRemove the cover from.
Women must not unveil themselves in public in some religious societies.
verifyCheck or regulate (a scientific experiment) by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard.
Can you verify that the guns are licensed.
vindicateClear (someone) of blame or suspicion.
You must vindicate yourself and fight this libel.

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