DECIPHERING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DECIPHERING?

Need another word that means the same as “deciphering”? Find 30 related words for “deciphering” in this overview.

Associations of "Deciphering" (30 Words)

cipherA quantity of no importance.
He came across ciphers written on parchment and concealed in a hollow altar pillar.
codeConvert ordinary language into code.
Most developers code C like C.
codingFunctioning as the genetic code or determiner for an amino acid, protein, or characteristic.
PAYE codings.
crypticHaving a puzzling terseness.
He found his boss s utterances too cryptic.
cryptogramA text written in code.
cryptographyAct of writing in code or cipher.
decodeAnalyse and interpret (a communication or image.
Studying reports poring over decodes.
egyptianOf or relating to or characteristic of Egypt or its people or their language.
encodeConvert information into code.
Encode pictures digitally.
encryptConvert ordinary language into code.
Encrypted data.
encryptionThe process of converting information or data into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized access.
I use encryption to protect sensitive information transmitted online.
enigmaticNot clear to the understanding.
So enigmatic that priests might have to clarify it.
factorizeResolve (a polynomial) into factors.
All matrices can be factorized.
glyphA hieroglyphic character or symbol.
Flanges painted with esoteric glyphs.
hashMake meat or other food into a hash.
A hash of raw tomatoes chillies and coriander.
hieroglyphWriting that resembles hieroglyphics usually by being illegible.
The International Organisation for Standardization is introducing two new hieroglyphs to perplex washing machine owners.
hieroglyphicResembling hieroglyphic writing.
A hieroglyphic sign.
ideogramA graphic character that indicates the meaning of a thing without indicating the sounds used to say it.
Chinese characters are ideograms.
inexplicableIncapable of being explained or accounted for.
Inexplicable errors.
inscriptionThe action of inscribing something.
The inscription of memorable utterances on durable materials.
interpretGive an interpretation or explanation to.
Interpreting the music well takes hours of listening and experimentation.
meaningThe message that is intended or expressed or signified.
What is the meaning of this proverb.
mnemonicRelating to the power of memory.
The usual mnemonic for star types is O Be A Fine Girl Kiss Me.
oracularOf or relating to an oracle.
He holds forth in oracular fashion.
palimpsestSomething reused or altered but still bearing visible traces of its earlier form.
Sutton Place is a palimpsest of the taste of successive owners.
passwordA string of characters that allows access to a computer system or service.
If you don t know the password you can t come in.
syllabicArticulated in syllables.
Inuit syllabics.
textA text message.
There were more than a thousand words of text.
transliterateRewrite in a different script.
Names from one language are often transliterated into another.
wordThe divine word of God the second person in the Trinity incarnate in Jesus.
He words his request in a particularly ironic way.

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