DECOMPOSED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DECOMPOSED?

Need another word that means the same as “decomposed”? Find 30 related words for “decomposed” in this overview.

Associations of "Decomposed" (30 Words)

belittleCause to seem less serious; play down.
Don t belittle his influence.
corpseSpoil a piece of acting by forgetting one’s lines or laughing uncontrollably.
One singer ad libbed and corpsed his colleagues on stage.
corruptCorrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality.
A corrupt and incompetent city government.
corruptiveTending to corrupt or pervert.
decayAn inferior state resulting from the process of decaying.
Facilities decay when money is not spent on refurbishment.
decompositionIn a decomposed state.
The decomposition of organic waste.
deconstructInterpret a text or an artwork by the method of deconstructing.
I want to deconstruct this myth that poverty breeds crime.
depravityMoral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles.
Its brothels its opium parlors its depravity.
deteriorateBecome progressively worse.
If the situation continues to deteriorate the consequences could be severe.
disassembleTranslate (a program) from machine code into a higher-level programming language.
It is permissible for a lawful user to disassemble a computer program to determine its interfaces.
disbandStop functioning or cohering as a unit.
The principal disbanded the political student organization.
disintegrateLose a stored charge, magnetic flux, or current.
A meson can spontaneously disintegrate.
disintegrationThe spontaneous disintegration of a radioactive substance along with the emission of ionizing radiation.
The twin problems of economic failure and social disintegration.
dismantleTear down so as to make flat with the ground.
The old regime was dismantled.
dismemberPartition or divide up (a territory or organization.
The tiger dismembered the tourist.
dissolutionSeparation into component parts.
An advanced state of dissolution.
dissolveBring the association of to an end or cause to break up.
She suddenly dissolved into floods of tears.
erosiveWearing away by friction.
The erosive effects of waves on the shoreline.
foulIn sport commit a foul against an opponent.
The weather turned foul.
ironA shot made with an iron.
The iron grip of the president on every aspect of foreign policy.
malodorousSmelling very unpleasant.
Leaking taps and malodorous drains.
molderBreak down.
perishableLiable to perish; subject to destruction or death or decay.
The shipment was delivered eventually though some of the perishables had gone off.
putrefaction(biology) the process of decay caused by bacterial or fungal action.
The breeze shifted and we caught the stench of putrefaction.
putrescentUndergoing the process of decay; rotting.
The odour of putrescent flesh.
putridIn an advanced state of decomposition and having a foul odor.
A butcher who sold putrid meat.
rotRotten or decayed matter.
The leaves were turning black with rot.
rottenVery bad.
She tried to tell me she felt rotten.
solvableCapable of being solved.
Such problems are perfectly solvable.
spoilageWaste produced by material being spoilt, especially paper that is spoilt in printing.

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