Need another word that means the same as “deepest”? Find 30 related words for “deepest” in this overview.
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Associations of "Deepest" (30 Words)
abyss | A catastrophic situation seen as likely to occur. The abyss between the two nations. |
amazing | Very impressive; excellent. She makes the most amazing cakes. |
big | In a major way. Her big hazel eyes. |
breadth | The capacity to understand a broad range of topics. The bank reaches a maximum breadth of about 100 km. |
considerable | (of a person) having merit or distinction. Went to considerable trouble for us. |
cumbersome | Large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use; unwieldy. A cumbersome piece of machinery. |
dent | Mark with a dent. The bicycle dented my car. |
depth | The intellectual ability to penetrate deeply into ideas. The depth of his sighs. |
disservice | An act intended to help that turns out badly. You have done a disservice to the African people by ignoring this fact. |
engrave | Cut or carve a text or design on (a hard object. The crystal glasses were engraved with the Queen s cipher. |
furrow | Cut a furrow into a columns. The tractors continuously furrowed the fields for several days. |
gouge | The act of gouging. One of the young man s eyes had been gouged out. |
groove | Make a groove in or provide with a groove. Deep lines grooved her face. |
height | A high place or position. He was of medium height. |
immense | Extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree. A factor of immense importance. |
incredible | Difficult to believe; extraordinary. I was mesmerized she looked so incredible. |
ingrained | Deeply rooted; firmly fixed or held. The ingrained dirt on the flaking paintwork. |
large | A garment size for a large person. A large number of newspapers. |
massive | Imposing in scale or scope or degree or power. Massive sulphides. |
oversized | Bigger than the usual size. An oversized T shirt. |
personage | Another word for person; a person not meriting identification. The key explains who all the personages in the paintings are. |
pit | Drive a racing car into the pits for fuel or maintenance. You ll get the chance to pit your wits against the world champions. |
profoundly | In a profound way; greatly. He profoundly altered the whole course of my life. |
profundity | Wisdom that is recondite and abstruse and profound. The simplicity and profundity of the message. |
significant | Having a particular meaning; indicative of something. A significant change in the Constitution. |
sized | Having a specified size. Comfortably sized rooms. |
slumber | A natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended. The village street slumbered under the afternoon sun. |
undercurrent | An underlying feeling or influence, especially one that is contrary to the prevailing atmosphere and is not expressed openly. Racial undercurrents. |
undertone | A quiet or hushed tone of voice. They were talking in undertones. |
voluminous | (of a piece of furniture) large and accommodating. A subject of voluminous legislation. |