DEMOLISHED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEMOLISHED?

Need another word that means the same as “demolished”? Find 2 synonyms and 30 related words for “demolished” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Demolished” are: dismantled, razed

Demolished as an Adjective

Definitions of "Demolished" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “demolished” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Torn down and broken up.

Synonyms of "Demolished" as an adjective (2 Words)

dismantledTorn down and broken up.
razedTorn down and broken up.

Associations of "Demolished" (30 Words)

annihilateConvert (a subatomic particle) into radiant energy.
A fraction of the mass of atomic nuclei is annihilated.
blightedAffected by blight; anything that mars or prevents growth or prosperity.
A blighted rose.
breakDo a break dance.
The book dealer would not break the set.
breakageReimbursement for goods damaged while in transit or in use.
There had been three breakages in the overhead wires.
breakerA quarry worker who splits off blocks of stone.
Those steam engines were now gone to the breaker s yard.
bustGo to pieces.
A 36 inch bust.
damageSuffer or be susceptible to damage.
The damage to his reputation was considerable.
demolitionAn event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something.
Ireland s demolition of England.
destroyDestroy completely damage irreparably.
Northants have the batting to destroy anyone.
destructionA final state.
The wanton destruction of human life.
devastateCause extensive destruction or ruin utterly.
He was devastated by his grief when his son died.
devastationThe termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists.
Her departure left him in utter devastation.
dilapidatedIn deplorable condition.
Old dilapidated buildings.
dilapidationA cause of action to force a tenant to pay for dilapidations.
The mill was in a state of dilapidation.
dismantleTake (a machine or structure) to pieces.
The old regime was dismantled.
dispatchThe sending of someone or something to a destination or for a purpose.
He conducted meetings for the correspondents and censored their dispatches.
eliminateEliminate from the body.
Let s eliminate the course on Akkadian hieroglyphics.
iconoclasmThe action of attacking or assertively rejecting cherished beliefs and institutions or established values and practices.
kaputDestroyed or killed.
The water pump s broken kaput.
moribund(of a thing) in terminal decline; lacking vitality or vigour.
A moribund patient.
obviatePrevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening.
The presence of roller blinds obviated the need for curtains.
razeCompletely destroy (a building, town, or other settlement.
Villages were razed to the ground.
removalThe dismissal of someone from a job.
His fellow employees formed guards of honour at the removal and funeral.
ruinDestruction achieved by causing something to be wrecked or ruined.
They don t know how to say no and that s been their ruin.
shatterBreak or cause to break suddenly and violently into pieces.
The window was shattered by a stone.
shipwreckCause to experience shipwreck.
The vessel was shipwrecked.
smashAn act or sound of something smashing.
Man dies in motorway smash.
spoilThe act of spoiling something by causing damage to it.
Her spoiling my dress was deliberate.
subversionThe act of subverting; as overthrowing or destroying a legally constituted government.
The ruthless subversion of democracy.
wreckInvolve someone in a shipwreck.
The wreck of their marriage.

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