Need another word that means the same as “depended”? Find 30 related words for “depended” in this overview.
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Associations of "Depended" (30 Words)
addicted | Physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance. Addicted to cocaine. |
beholden | Under a moral obligation to someone. I don t like to be beholden to anybody. |
believe | Follow a credo have a faith be a believer. I believe we ve already met. |
centrality | The state of being accessible from a variety of places. The centrality and sovereignty of the state. |
condition | Apply a conditioner to the hair. I condition my hair regularly. |
confidence | The telling of private matters or secrets with mutual trust. She s brimming with confidence. |
confiding | Willing to tell someone about a secret or private matter and trust them not to repeat it to others. She was in a confiding mood. |
constitutive | Forming a part or constituent of something. Poverty is a constitutive element of a particular form of economic growth. |
context | The circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood. The proposals need to be considered in the context of new European directives. |
credibility | The quality of being trusted and believed in. The book s anecdotes have scant regard for credibility. |
credible | Able to be believed; convincing. She was not the credible fool he expected. |
credit | The money lent or borrowed under a credit arrangement. We credited her for saving our jobs. |
credulity | A tendency to be too ready to believe that something is real or true. Moneylenders prey upon their credulity and inexperience. |
crucially | With decisive or vital importance. Both movies are crucially dependent on the performance of the male lead. |
dependence | Being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming (especially alcohol or narcotic drugs. The dependence of our medical schools on grant funds. |
dependent | Held from above. An economy heavily dependent on oil exports. |
entirely | Completely (often used for emphasis. Entirely satisfied with the meal. |
factor | Be a contributing factor. His skill was a factor in ensuring that so much was achieved. |
interdependent | Mutually dependent. We in Europe are all increasingly interdependent. |
mutually | With mutual action; in a mutual relationship. Adoption and fostering are not necessarily mutually exclusive alternatives. |
pendent | Held from above and hanging down. The use of jurisdiction to decide pendent claims. |
recourse | Something or someone turned to for assistance or security. The bank has recourse against the exporter for losses incurred. |
reliance | A person or thing on which someone depends. The farmer s reliance on pesticides. |
reliant | Dependent on someone or something. The company is heavily reliant on the baby market. |
rely | Depend on with full trust or confidence. The charity has to rely entirely on public donations. |
symbiotic | Denoting a mutually beneficial relationship between different people or groups. The reader can have a symbiotic relationship with the writer. |
trust | An organization or company managed by trustees. He betrayed their trust. |
trustful | Having or marked by a total belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone. A trustful acceptance of authority. |
trusting | Inclined to believe or confide readily; full of trust. It is foolish to be too trusting of other people. |
uncritical | Marked by disregard for critical standards or procedures. Uncritical reasoning. |