DEPICTS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEPICTS?

Need another word that means the same as “depicts”? Find 7 synonyms and 30 related words for “depicts” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Depicts” are: describe, draw, picture, render, show, limn, portray

Depicts as a Verb

Definitions of "Depicts" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “depicts” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Make a portrait of.
  • Give a description of.
  • Show in, or as in, a picture.

Synonyms of "Depicts" as a verb (7 Words)

describeTo give an account or representation of in words.
He described his experiences in a letter to his parents.
drawRepresent by making a drawing of as with a pencil chalk etc on a surface.
Draw a line.
limnMake a portrait of.
Miss Read limns a gentler world in her novels.
pictureRepresent in a photograph or picture.
She pictured Benjamin waiting.
portrayPortray in words.
The ineffectual Oxbridge dons portrayed by Evelyn Waugh.
renderGive up surrender.
Render the town to the enemy.
showShow in or as in a picture.
Shirley was four months pregnant and just starting to show.

Usage Examples of "Depicts" as a verb

  • This scene depicts country life.

Associations of "Depicts" (30 Words)

characterizationThe act of describing distinctive characteristics or essential features.
The film s narrative elegance and richly developed characterizations.
clarificationAn interpretation that removes obstacles to understanding.
The remaining changes are small clarifications.
construeInterpret (a word or action) in a particular way.
Both verbs can be construed with either infinitive.
Crabbed legal language.
defineDetermine the nature of.
The tree was clearly defined by the light.
definitionThe degree of distinctness in outline of an object, image, or sound.
The clarity and definition of pictures can be aided by using computer graphics.
delineationA drawing of the outlines of forms or objects.
The eventual delineation of the border between the two states.
depictionThe action of depicting something, especially in a work of art.
The painting s horrific depiction of war.
describeGive a description of.
A single light is seen to describe a circle.
elucidateMake clear and (more) comprehensible.
Work such as theirs will help to elucidate this matter.
englishOf or relating to or characteristic of England or its culture or people.
expatiateAdd details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing.
She expatiated on working class novelists.
He explained the situation.
explanationThe act of explaining; making something plain or intelligible.
The birth rate is central to any explanation of population trends.
explicateAnalyse and develop (an idea or principle) in detail.
These essays seek to explicate and contextualize Kristeva s writings.
expositionA large public exhibition of art or trade goods.
The country squires dreaded the exposition of their rustic conversation.
expositoryServing to expound or set forth.
Clean expository writing.
expoundPresent and explain (a theory or idea) in detail.
The abbess expounded the scriptures to her nuns.
expressBy express.
Her express wish.
figurativelyIn a style representing forms that are recognizably derived from life.
Chinese art influenced her to paint figuratively.
instructionsA manual usually accompanying a technical device and explaining how to install or operate it.
interpretGive an interpretation or explanation to.
Can you interpret the speech of the visiting dignitaries.
interpretationAn explanation that results from interpreting something.
The report included his interpretation of the forensic evidence.
narrativeIn the form of or concerned with narration.
Narrative poetry.
portrayPortray in words.
The book portrays the actor as a selfish person.
portrayalA representation by picture or portraiture.
A realistic portrayal of war.
significationThe message that is intended or expressed or signified.
Film comes closer than other forms of signification to resemblance of reality.
snapshotA record of the contents of a storage location or data file at a given time.
This excellent book can only be a snapshot of a complex industry.
translateConvert (a sequence of nucleotides in messenger RNA) to an amino acid sequence in a protein or polypeptide during synthesis.
Shiatsu literally translates as finger pressure.
transliterateWrite or print (a letter or word) using the closest corresponding letters of a different alphabet or script.
The Sanskrit text had to be transliterated.

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