DERIVATIVES: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DERIVATIVES?

Need another word that means the same as “derivatives”? Find 4 synonyms and 30 related words for “derivatives” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Derivatives” are: differential, differential coefficient, first derivative, derivative instrument

Derivatives as a Noun

Definitions of "Derivatives" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “derivatives” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A financial instrument whose value is based on another security.
  • The result of mathematical differentiation; the instantaneous change of one quantity relative to another; df(x)/dx.
  • A compound obtained from, or regarded as derived from, another compound.
  • A word that is derived from another word.
  • (linguistics) a word that is derived from another word.

Synonyms of "Derivatives" as a noun (4 Words)

derivative instrumentA word that is derived from another word.
differentialA difference in wages between industries or between categories of employees in the same industry.
Regional differentials in pay.
differential coefficientA quality that differentiates between similar things.
first derivativeThe first or highest in an ordering or series.

Usage Examples of "Derivatives" as a noun

  • `electricity' is a derivative of `electric.

Associations of "Derivatives" (30 Words)

adjectiveOf or relating to or functioning as an adjective.
Adjective law.
adverbA word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective verb or other adverb or a word group expressing a relation of place time circumstance manner cause degree etc e g gently quite then there.
alphabetThe elementary stages of any subject (usually plural.
DNA s 4 letter alphabet.
antonymA word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word in which case the two words are antonyms of each other.
To him the antonym of gay was depressed.
appendAdd (something) to the end of a written document.
He appended a glossary to his novel where he used an invented language.
archaismThe use or conscious imitation of archaic styles or features in language or art.
Mozart s use of archaism.
capitalizeWrite or print (a word or letter) in capital letters.
People should have the right to capitalize part of the value of these benefits.
clauseA unit of grammatical organization next below the sentence in rank and in traditional grammar said to consist of a subject and predicate.
conjunctionThe grammatical relation between linguistic units words or phrases or clauses that are connected by a conjunction.
The planet reached conjunction with the sun.
derivationA line of reasoning that shows how a conclusion follows logically from accepted propositions.
The derivation of scientific laws from observation.
determinerAn argument that is conclusive.
grammaticalConforming to the rules of grammar or usage accepted by native speakers.
Grammatical rules.
homographTwo words are homographs if they are spelled the same way but differ in meaning e g fair.
indicativeThe indicative mood.
Indicative mood.
infinitiveHaving or involving the basic form of a verb.
Infinitive clauses.
inflectOf a word or language undergo inflection.
Arabic verbs are inflected for person number and gender.
lexiconThe complete set of meaningful units in a language.
A Greek Latin lexicon.
nounA word other than a pronoun used to identify any of a class of people places or things common noun or to name a particular one of these proper noun.
paragraphArrange a piece of writing in paragraphs.
All her friends were paragraphed in last Monday s paper.
participleA word formed from a verb e g going gone being been and used as an adjective e g working woman burnt toast or a noun e g good breeding In English participles are also used to make compound verb forms e g is going has been.
phraseDivide combine or mark into phrases.
It s important to phrase the question correctly.
predicateWhat is predicated of the subject of a proposition the second term in a proposition is predicated of the first term by means of the copula.
Aggression is predicated of those who act aggressively.
prefixAdd something at the beginning as a prefix or introduction.
A preface is prefixed to the book.
pronounA function word that is used in place of a noun or noun phrase.
suffixAppend something especially as a suffix.
Suffix words.
suggestiveTending to suggest an idea.
Artifacts suggestive of an ancient society.
verbUse a word that is not conventionally used as a verb typically a noun as a verb.
Any English noun can be verbed but some are more resistant than others.
vocabularyA list of difficult or unfamiliar words with an explanation of their meanings, accompanying a piece of specialist or foreign-language text.
The term became part of business vocabulary.
vowelA letter of the alphabet standing for a spoken vowel.
wordA word is a string of bits stored in computer memory.
I don t like the word unofficial.

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