Need another word that means the same as “deserving”? Find 14 synonyms and 30 related words for “deserving” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Deserving” are: worth, worthy, meritorious, commendable, praiseworthy, laudable, excellent, fine, admirable, estimable, exemplary, creditable, qualified for, suitable for
Deserving as an Adjective
Definitions of "Deserving" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “deserving” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Worthy of being treated in a particular way (often used ironically.
- (often used ironically) worthy of being treated in a particular way.
- Worthy of being treated in a particular way, typically of being given assistance.

Synonyms of "Deserving" as an adjective (14 Words)
admirable | Inspiring admiration or approval. Trains ran with admirable precision. |
commendable | Deserving praise. He showed commendable restraint. |
creditable | (of a performance, effort, or action) deserving public acknowledgement and praise but not necessarily outstanding or successful. The student s effort on the essay though not outstanding was creditable. |
estimable | Deserving of respect or high regard. She was shown into that estimable woman s presence. |
excellent | Very good;of the highest quality. Made an excellent speech. |
exemplary | Characteristic of its kind or illustrating a general rule. An exemplary jail sentence. |
fine | Characterized by elegance or refinement or accomplishment. Donleavy was a fine figure of a man. |
laudable | (of an action, idea, or aim) deserving praise and commendation. Applaudable efforts to save the environment. |
meritorious | Deserving reward or praise. A medal for meritorious conduct. |
praiseworthy | Deserving approval and admiration. A significant and praiseworthy increase in computer intelligence. |
qualified for | Meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position or task. |
suitable for | Meant or adapted for an occasion or use. |
worth | Worthy of being treated in a particular way often used ironically. Worth her weight in gold. |
worthy | Worthy of being chosen especially as a spouse. A worthy fellow. |
Usage Examples of "Deserving" as an adjective
- A deserving cause.
- The deserving poor.
Associations of "Deserving" (30 Words)
aptitude | Suitability or fitness. Children with an aptitude for painting and drawing. |
aptness | The quality of being appropriate or suitable. The aptness of the punishment. |
blame | Put or pin the blame on. His players had to take the blame for the defeat. |
capability | The susceptibility of something to a particular treatment. He worked to the limits of his capability. |
commendable | Worthy of high praise. A commendable sense of purpose. |
contribution | A piece of writing submitted for publication in a journal, book, etc. The agency is mainly financed from voluntary contributions. |
deserve | Be worthy or deserving. We didn t deserve to win. |
deservedly | In the way that is deserved; rightfully. They are top of the league and deservedly so. |
desirable | A desirable person or thing. Computer with many desirable features. |
enough | An adequate quantity a quantity that is large enough to achieve a purpose. He seems nice enough. |
exemplary | Being or serving as an illustration of a type. Exemplary behaviour. |
flair | Distinctive and stylish elegance. He has a flair for mathematics. |
invaluable | Having incalculable monetary, intellectual, or spiritual worth. An invaluable source of information. |
laudable | Worthy of high praise. Laudable though the aim might be the results have been criticized. |
merit | Good deeds entitling someone to a future reward from God. Work of great merit. |
merited | Properly deserved. A merited success. |
meritorious | (of an action or claim) likely to succeed on the merits of the case. Meritorious conduct. |
praiseworthy | Worthy of high praise. The government s praiseworthy efforts. |
precious | Obviously contrived to charm. Children are precious. |
priceless | Having incalculable monetary, intellectual, or spiritual worth. Darling you re priceless. |
respectable | Large in amount or extent or degree. All respectable companies give guarantees. |
reward | Strengthen and support with rewards. The holiday was a reward for 40 years service with the company. |
suitability | The quality of being right or appropriate for a particular person, purpose, or situation. An important requirement is suitability for long trips. |
talent | A former weight and unit of currency, used especially by the ancient Romans and Greeks. Simon is a talent to watch. |
valuable | Having great material or monetary value especially for use or exchange. A valuable diamond. |
value | Estimate the value of. The mean value of x. |
valued | Considered to be important or beneficial; cherished. Triple valued. |
worthiness | The quality of being good enough; suitability. Doubts about the worthiness of writing novels. |
worthwhile | Sufficiently valuable to justify the investment of time or interest. This attitude could doom a very worthwhile project to extinction. |
worthy | Worthy of being chosen especially as a spouse. A worthy fellow. |