Need another word that means the same as “diet”? Find 17 synonyms and 30 related words for “diet” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Diet” are: dieting, selection of food, food and drink, food, foodstuffs, provisions, fare, dietary regime, dietary regimen, dietary programme, crash diet, follow a diet, be on a diet, eat sparingly, eat selectively, abstain, fast
Diet as a Noun
Definitions of "Diet" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “diet” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A legislative assembly in certain countries (e.g., Japan.
- The act of restricting your food intake (or your intake of particular foods.
- The usual food and drink consumed by an organism (person or animal.
- (of food or drink) with reduced fat or sugar content.
- A prescribed selection of foods.
- A special course of food to which a person restricts themselves, either to lose weight or for medical reasons.
- The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.
- The activities, pastimes, etc. in which a person or group habitually engages.

Synonyms of "Diet" as a noun (11 Words)
crash diet | A loud resonant repeating noise. |
dietary programme | A regulated daily food allowance. |
dietary regime | A regulated daily food allowance. |
dietary regimen | A regulated daily food allowance. |
dieting | The act of restricting your food intake (or your intake of particular foods. |
fare | A paying (taxi) passenger. We should go to Seville but we cannot afford the air fare. |
food | Any substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue. Food and drink. |
food and drink | Any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment. |
foodstuffs | A substance that can be used or prepared for use as food. |
provisions | A store or supply of something (especially of food or clothing or arms. |
selection of food | The act of choosing or selecting. |

Usage Examples of "Diet" as a noun
- Screen violence is becoming the staple diet of the video generation.
- I'm going on a diet.
- Diet soft drinks.
- A vegetarian diet.

Diet as a Verb
Definitions of "Diet" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “diet” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Restrict oneself to small amounts or special kinds of food in order to lose weight.
- Eat sparingly, for health reasons or to lose weight.
- Follow a regimen or a diet, as for health reasons.
- Put (a person or animal) on a special diet.

Synonyms of "Diet" as a verb (6 Words)
abstain | Restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something. Most pregnant women abstain or drink very little. |
be on a diet | Be priced at. |
eat selectively | Use up (resources or materials. |
eat sparingly | Use up (resources or materials. |
fast | Abstain from certain foods, as for religious or medical reasons. Before the medical exam you must fast. |
follow a diet | Grasp the meaning. |

Usage Examples of "Diet" as a verb
- I began dieting again.
- He has high blood pressure and must stick to a low-salt diet.

Associations of "Diet" (30 Words)
alimentary | Of or providing nourishment. |
calorie | The energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water through 1 C equal to one thousand small calories and often used to measure the energy value of foods. |
carbohydrate | Food consisting of or containing a lot of carbohydrates. Make sure you feed them lots of carbohydrate. |
carnivorous | Relating to or characteristic of carnivores. Carnivorous plants are capable of trapping and digesting small animals especially insects. |
commissariat | A department for the supply of food and equipment. |
dietitian | A specialist in the study of diet and nutrition. |
feed | An actor who gives a feed to a fellow performer. I could feed my melancholy by reading Romantic poetry. |
healthy | Promoting health; healthful. The healthy attitude of French laws. |
herbivore | An animal that feeds on plants. Horses are herbivores. |
intake | The people taken into an organization at a particular time. His alcohol intake. |
nourish | Provide with nourishment. He has long nourished an ambition to bring the show to Broadway. |
nourishing | (of food) containing substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition. Good nourishing stew. |
nourishment | A source of materials to nourish the body. She was starved of emotional nourishment. |
nutrient | Any substance (such as a chemical element or inorganic compound) that can be taken in by a green plant and used in organic synthesis. Fish is a source of many important nutrients including protein vitamins and minerals. |
nutriment | Nourishment; sustenance. He took the Bible for spiritual nutriment. |
nutrition | The branch of science that deals with nutrients and nutrition particularly in humans. A feeding tube gives her nutrition and water. |
nutritional | Relating to the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth. Nutritional information. |
nutritionist | A specialist in the study of nutrition. |
nutritious | Of or providing nourishment. Home cooked burgers make a nutritious meal. |
nutritive | Relating to nutrition. Nutritive food. |
omnivorous | Feeding on both plants and animals. An omnivorous reader. |
protein | Proteins collectively especially as a dietary component. A protein found in wheat. |
provender | Animal fodder. To raise the prices of provender for cattle importation has been severely curtailed. |
reducing | Any process in which electrons are added to an atom or ion as by removing oxygen or adding hydrogen always occurs accompanied by oxidation of the reducing agent. A doctor supervised her reducing. |
starch | Food containing starch. Starch clothes. |
vegetarian | Relating to vegetarians or vegetarianism. A vegetarian restaurant. |
veggie | A vegetable. 16 per cent of US households are buying veggie burgers. |
victuals | A stock or supply of foods. |
wholesome | Sound or exhibiting soundness in body or mind. A grin on his ugly wholesome face. |
wholesomeness | The quality of being beneficial and generally good for you. |