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DISAPPOINTING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DISAPPOINTING?

Need another word that means the same as “disappointing”? Find 15 synonyms and 30 related words for “disappointing” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Disappointing” are: dissatisfactory, unsatisfying, disheartening, dispiriting, discouraging, upsetting, dismaying, depressing, distressing, unsatisfactory, inadequate, insufficient, unworthy, substandard, not good enough

Disappointing as an Adjective

Definitions of "Disappointing" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “disappointing” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Failing to fulfil someone's hopes or expectations.
  • Not up to expectations.

Synonyms of "Disappointing" as an adjective (15 Words)

depressingCausing or resulting in a feeling of miserable dejection.
The economic outlook is depressing.
discouragingDepriving of confidence or hope or enthusiasm and hence often deterring action.
Where never is heard a discouraging word.
dishearteningCausing someone to lose determination or confidence; discouraging or dispiriting.
Her death is particularly disheartening because it was preventable.
dismayingCausing concern and distress.
The list of complaints was dismaying.
dispiritingCausing someone to lose enthusiasm and hope; disheartening.
It was a dispiriting occasion.
dissatisfactoryNot up to expectations.
distressingCausing anxiety, sorrow or pain; upsetting.
Some very distressing news.
inadequateOf insufficient quantity to meet a need.
Inadequate training.
insufficientNot enough; inadequate.
Insufficient funds.
not good enoughExerting force or influence.
substandardBelow the usual or required standard.
Substandard spellings.
unsatisfactoryNot satisfactory; not good enough.
Her performance proved to be unsatisfactory.
unsatisfyingNot satisfying.
An unsatisfying relationship.
unworthyHaving little merit.
Such a suggestion is unworthy of the Honourable Gentleman.
upsettingCausing an emotional disturbance.
An upsetting experience.

Usage Examples of "Disappointing" as an adjective

  • It was disappointing that there were relatively few possibilities.
  • The team made a disappointing start.
  • A disappointing performance from one who had seemed so promising.

Associations of "Disappointing" (30 Words)

bitterlyWith bitterness, in a resentful manner.
Passengers complained bitterly about grand promises made by the company.
cryUtter a sudden loud cry.
A cry of rage.
deploreExpress strong disapproval of.
We deplore all violence.
despairA state in which all hope is lost or absent.
She despaired of finding a good restaurant nearby.
desperationA state in which all hope is lost or absent.
Courage born of desperation.
despondBecome dejected and lose confidence.
The supporters of the Presidential candidate desponded when they learned the early results of the election.
despondentIn low spirits from loss of hope or courage.
She grew more and more despondent.
dirgeA song or piece of music that is considered too slow, miserable, or boring.
Singers chanted dirges.
disappointFail to meet the hopes or expectations of.
I have no wish to disappoint everyone by postponing the visit.
dolefulFilled with or evoking sadness.
The child s doleful expression.
elegiacVerses in an elegiac metre.
Haunting and elegiac poems.
elegy(in modern literature) a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead.
expectConsider obligatory request and expect.
They were not expecting him to continue.
frustratedFeeling or expressing distress and annoyance resulting from an inability to change or achieve something.
Young people get frustrated with the system.
frustratingCausing annoyance or upset because of an inability to change or achieve something.
It can be very frustrating to find that the size you want isn t there.
heartsickFull of sorrow.
Too heartsick to fight back.
lamentationThe passionate expression of grief or sorrow; weeping.
Scenes of lamentation.
lossThe amount by which the cost of a business exceeds its revenue.
Loss making industries.
melancholyA humor that was once believed to be secreted by the kidneys or spleen and to cause sadness and melancholy.
She felt a little melancholy.
mournObserve the customs of mourning after the death of a loved one.
Publishers mourned declining sales of hardback fiction.
mournfulFilled with or evoking sadness.
Mournful news.
mourningBlack clothes worn as an expression of sorrow when someone dies.
If he dies she ll put on mourning but she won t cry.
sadOf things that make you feel sad.
The show is tongue in cheek anyone who takes it seriously is a bit sad.
sadnessThe condition or quality of being sad.
A source of great sadness.
sorrowAn event or circumstance that causes sorrow.
He drank to drown his sorrows.
sorrowfulCausing grief.
Sorrowful widows.
threnodyA song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person.
A brooding threnody to urban desolation.
unhappyNot happy.
The unhappy truth.
unsatisfactoryNot satisfactory; not good enough.
Our discussion was very unsatisfactory.
wailUtter a wail.
The wind wailed and buffeted the timber structure.

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