Need another word that means the same as “discontinue”? Find 32 synonyms and 30 related words for “discontinue” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Discontinue” are: cease, give up, lay off, quit, stop, break, break off, end, terminate, bring to an end, put an end to, put a stop to, wind up, finish, bring to a halt, call a halt to, cancel, drop, dispense with, do away with, get rid of, abolish, desist from, swear off, forbear from, abstain from, cut out, renounce, forswear, forgo, abandon, have done with
Discontinue as a Verb
Definitions of "Discontinue" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “discontinue” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Put an end to a state or an activity.
- Cease from doing or providing (something), especially something that has been provided on a regular basis.
- Cease taking (a newspaper or periodical) or paying (a subscription).
- Stop making (a particular product.
- Prevent completion.
- Come to or be at an end.

Synonyms of "Discontinue" as a verb (32 Words)
abandon | Discontinue (a scheduled event) before completion. An attempt to persuade businesses not to abandon the area to inner city deprivation. |
abolish | Do away with. Slavery was abolished in the mid 19th century in America and in Russia. |
abstain from | Choose not to consume. |
break | Undergo breaking. I had to break a 100 bill just to buy the candy. |
break off | Fall sharply. |
bring to a halt | Be accompanied by. |
bring to an end | Cause to come into a particular state or condition. |
call a halt to | Ascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality. |
cancel | Delete (an equal factor) from both sides of an equation or from the numerator and denominator of a fraction. Cancel cheques or tickets. |
cease | Come or bring to an end. The hostilities ceased and normal life was resumed. |
cut out | Reap or harvest. |
desist from | Choose not to consume. |
dispense with | Grant a dispensation; grant an exemption. |
do away with | Proceed or get along. |
drop | Score a goal by a drop kick. Drop a hint. |
end | Put an end to. The man ended by attacking a police officer. |
finish | Provide with a finish. He finished the dishes. |
forbear from | Refrain from doing. |
forgo | Do without or cease to hold or adhere to. She wanted to forgo the tea and leave while they could. |
forswear | Formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure. The country has not forsworn nuclear weapons. |
get rid of | Cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition. |
give up | Cause to happen or be responsible for. |
have done with | Have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense. |
lay off | Put into a certain place or abstract location. |
put a stop to | Arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events. |
put an end to | Cause to be in a certain state; cause to be in a certain relation. |
quit | (of a tenant) leave rented accommodation. Hippies finally quit two sites in Hampshire last night. |
renounce | Leave (a job, post, or position) voluntarily. He renounced alcohol completely. |
stop | Stop moving or operating. You can t stop me from getting what I want. |
swear off | Utter obscenities or profanities. |
terminate | Terminate the employment of discharge from an office or position. Adamson s putting pressure on me to terminate you. |
wind up | Extend in curves and turns. |

Usage Examples of "Discontinue" as a verb
- The ferry service was discontinued by the proprietors.
- The support from our sponsoring agency will discontinue after March 31.
- Their current top-of-the-range running shoe is being discontinued.
- He discontinued his visits.

Associations of "Discontinue" (30 Words)
abeyance | The position of being without, or of waiting for, an owner or claimant. Matters were held in abeyance pending further enquiries. |
abstain | Restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something. Forty one voted with the Opposition and some sixty more abstained. |
cease | Cease is a noun only in the phrase without cease end. On his retirement the job will cease to exist. |
cessation | The fact or process of ending or being brought to an end. The cessation of hostilities. |
deadlock | Secure a door with a deadlock. An attempt to break the deadlock. |
desist | Choose not to consume. Each pledged to desist from acts of sabotage. |
discontinuity | A break in or lack of continuity. There is no significant discontinuity between modern and primitive societies. |
halt | Come to a halt stop moving. A bus screeched to a halt. |
halting | Fragmentary or halting from emotional strain. She speaks halting English with a heavy accent. |
hiatus | A natural opening or perforation through a bone or a membranous structure. There was a brief hiatus in the war with France. |
immovable | Immovable property. The immovable hills. |
impasse | A situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement; a deadlock. The current political impasse. |
intermission | An interval between parts of a play, film, or concert. He was granted an intermission in his studies. |
interruption | An act, utterance, or period that interrupts someone or something. She ignored the interruption and carried on. |
layover | A period of rest or waiting before a further stage in a journey. There was only a forty eight minute layover. |
leaving | The act of departing. |
pause | A time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something. The speaker paused. |
permanently | In a way that lasts or remains unchanged indefinitely; for all time. He is permanently disabled. |
preside | Act as president. The prime minister will preside at an emergency cabinet meeting. |
quit | Turn away from; give up. She quit her job in a pizza restaurant. |
recess | Put into a recess. Recess lights. |
resign | Accept that something undesirable cannot be avoided. He resigned from the government in protest at the policy. |
stalemate | Subject to a stalemate. Last time I played him it ended up in stalemate. |
stanch | Stop the flow of a liquid. |
standstill | A situation or condition in which there is no movement or activity at all. The traffic came to a standstill. |
stasis | A stoppage of flow of a body fluid. Creative stasis. |
stop | A punctuation mark especially a full stop. Stop a car. |
suspension | Temporary cessation or suspension. Modifications have been made to the car s rear suspension. |
terminus | The end of a polypeptide or polynucleotide chain or similar long molecule. The exhibition s terminus is 1962. |
walkout | The act of walking out (of a meeting or organization) as a sign of protest. There was a walkout by the Black members as the chairman rose to speak. |