DISPLACED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DISPLACED?

Need another word that means the same as “displaced”? Find 30 related words for “displaced” in this overview.

Associations of "Displaced" (30 Words)

agentAny agent or representative of a federal agency or bureau.
Speak to your letting agent about refurbishing the property.
alternateOf leaves or shoots placed alternately on the two sides of the stem.
He shall be entitled to exercise the vote of the director for whom he is an alternate.
alternating(of two or more things) occurring in turn repeatedly.
Alternating feelings of love and hate.
alternativeServing or used in place of another.
She had no alternative but to break the law.
alternativelyIn place of, or as an alternative to.
Alternatively we could buy a used car.
bumpIn a race gain a bump against.
The bump threw him off the bicycle.
deputyAn assistant with power to act when his superior is absent.
The deputy prime minister.
exchangeExchange a penalty for a less severe one.
They had a bitter exchange.
fungible(of goods contracted for without an individual specimen being specified) replaceable by another identical item; mutually interchangeable.
It is by no means the world s only fungible commodity.
indirectNot direct in spatial dimension; not leading by a straight line or course to a destination.
Sometimes taking an indirect path saves time.
insteadAs an alternative or substitute.
She never married preferring instead to remain single.
interchangeReciprocal transfer of equivalent sums of money (especially the currencies of different countries.
We have a significant interchange of staff with the nearby college.
permanentlyIn a way that lasts or continues without interruption; continually.
We need to be permanently vigilant.
permutationA selection of a specified number of matches in a football pool.
His thoughts raced ahead to fifty different permutations of what he must do.
preemptMake a preemptive bid in the game of bridge.
Discussion of the emergency situation will preempt the lecture by the professor.
proxyA person authorized to act for another.
The use of a US wealth measure as a proxy for the true worldwide measure.
replacePut (something) back in a previous place or position.
We need to replace the secretary that left a month ago.
replacementSomeone who takes the place of another person.
A hip replacement.
reversalTurning in an opposite direction or position.
The reversal of the image in the lens.
substituteAct or serve as a substitute.
Customs officers substituted the drugs with another substance.
substitutionThe act of putting one thing or person in the place of another.
The substitution of rail services with buses.
successorA person or thing that succeeds another.
He was President Lincoln s successor.
supercedeTake the place or move into the position of.
supersedeTake the place or move into the position of.
The older models of car have now been superseded.
supplantSupersede and replace.
Domestic production has been supplanted by imports and jobs have been lost.
surrogateDenoting a child to whom a woman gives birth as a surrogate mother.
She has given birth to three surrogate babies.
temporarilyFor a limited period of time; not permanently.
A temporarily vacant department store.
transposeCause (two or more things) to exchange places.
A sequence of French tales transposed into English.
transpositionThe act of reversing the order or place of.
Transposition of word order.
vicariousExperienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person.
Vicarious menstruation.

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