DISTINGUISHES: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DISTINGUISHES?

Need another word that means the same as “distinguishes”? Find 23 synonyms and 30 related words for “distinguishes” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Distinguishes” are: describe, discover, identify, key, key out, name, discern, make out, pick out, recognise, recognize, spot, tell apart, differentiate, secern, secernate, separate, severalise, severalize, tell, mark, signalise, signalize

Distinguishes as a Verb

Definitions of "Distinguishes" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “distinguishes” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Be a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait; sometimes in a very positive sense.
  • Identify as in botany or biology, for example.
  • Make conspicuous or noteworthy.
  • Mark as different.
  • Detect with the senses.

Synonyms of "Distinguishes" as a verb (23 Words)

describeGive a detailed account in words of.
A single light is seen to describe a circle.
differentiateMark as different.
Cells differentiate.
discernRecognize or find out.
Pupils quickly discern what is acceptable to the teacher.
discoverDiscover or determine the existence presence or fact of.
Who discovered the North Pole.
identifyGive the name or identifying characteristics of refer to by name or some other identifying characteristic property.
She identifies as a feminist.
keyProvide with a key.
Key one s actions to the voters prevailing attitude.
key outProvide with a key.
make outBe suitable for.
markDesignate as if by a mark.
The citizens mark the anniversary of the revolution with a march and a parade.
nameGive the name or identifying characteristics of refer to by name or some other identifying characteristic property.
His name was mentioned in connection with the invention.
pick outPilfer or rob.
recogniseAccept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority.
recognizeIdentify (someone or something) from having encountered them before; know again.
I recognized her when her wig fell off.
secernMark as different.
secernateMark as different.
separateSeparate into parts or portions.
The processed milk had separated into curds and whey.
severaliseMark as different.
severalizeMark as different.
signalisePoint out carefully and clearly.
signalizePoint out carefully and clearly.
People seek to change their name to signalize a change in status that has taken place.
spotBecome spotted.
Thorn trees spotted the land.
tellGive evidence.
I can t tell the difference between margarine and butter.
tell apartExpress in words.

Usage Examples of "Distinguishes" as a verb

  • We distinguish several kinds of maple.
  • His modesty distinguishes him from his peers.

Associations of "Distinguishes" (30 Words)

assortKeep company with; hang out with.
He would assort it with the fabulous dogs as a monstrous invention.
categorizePlace into or assign to a category.
Children learn early on to categorize.
characteristicThe integer part positive or negative of the representation of a logarithm in the expression log 643 2 808 the characteristic is 2.
Heard my friend s characteristic laugh.
characterizeDescribe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of.
This poem can be characterized as a lament for a dead lover.
classifiableCapable of being classified.
classifyDeclare unavailable, as for security reasons.
How would you classify these pottery shards are they prehistoric.
codifyArrange (laws or rules) into a systematic code.
This would codify existing intergovernmental cooperation on drugs.
compareHave a specified relationship with another thing or person in terms of nature or quality.
We compared notes after we had both seen the movie.
contrastDiffer strikingly.
By contrast.
diametricalOf or along a diameter.
He s the diametrical opposite of Gabriel.
differBe of different opinions.
I beg to differ.
differentialConstituting a specific difference; distinctive.
The differential between petrol and diesel prices.
differentiateEvolve so as to lead to a new species or develop in a way most suited to the environment.
He is unable to differentiate between fantasy and reality.
differentiatedExhibiting biological specialization; adapted during development to a specific function or environment.
discernDistinguish (someone or something) with difficulty by sight or with the other senses.
She could faintly discern the shape of a skull.
discriminateRecognize or perceive the difference.
Babies can discriminate between different facial expressions.
distinctionA grade in an examination denoting excellence.
She graduated with the highest distinction.
distinctiveOf a feature that helps to distinguish a person or thing- Curtis Wilkie.
Juniper berries give gin its distinctive flavour.
featureHave as a feature.
One salient feature of the case has been overlooked.
gapMake an opening or gap in.
Gap between income and outgo.
identifyGive the name or identifying characteristics of refer to by name or some other identifying characteristic property.
She identifies as a feminist.
inconsistentActing at variance with one’s own principles or former behaviour.
He had done nothing inconsistent with his morality.
individuationThe quality of being individual.
pigeonholePut a document in a pigeonhole.
She pigeonholed her worry about him.
segregateSomeone who is or has been segregated.
The sun segregates the carbon.
separateHave the connection undone having become separate.
He regards the study of literature as quite separate from life.
sortResolve the problems or difficulties of.
They agreed she could stay with them while she got herself sorted.
sortingAn operation that segregates items into groups according to a specified criterion.
The bottleneck in mail delivery is the process of sorting.
taxonomistA biologist who specializes in the classification of organisms into groups on the basis of their structure and origin and behavior.
unlikeMarked by dissimilarity.
They distributed unlike or unequal sums to the various charities.

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