Need another word that means the same as “dole”? Find 36 synonyms and 30 related words for “dole” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Dole” are: pogey, pogy, unemployment benefit, state benefit, government benefit, benefit, benefit payments, social security, social security payments, public assistance allowance, allowance, welfare, insurance money, grant, gift, donation, offering, contribution, handout, presentation, bestowal, deal out, share out, divide up, allocate, allot, apportion, assign, distribute, dispense, hand out, give out, pass out, pass round, issue, disburse
Dole as a Noun
Definitions of "Dole" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “dole” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A share of money or food or clothing that has been charitably given.
- Money received from the state.
- Benefit paid by the state to the unemployed.
- A charitable gift of food, clothes, or money.
- A person's lot or destiny.

Synonyms of "Dole" as a noun (21 Words)
allowance | A sum of money paid regularly to a person to meet needs or expenses. Your baggage allowance. |
benefit | Financial assistance in time of need. The social season was highlighted by debutante balls and charity benefits. |
benefit payments | A performance to raise money for a charitable cause. |
bestowal | The act of conferring an honor or presenting a gift. |
contribution | A writing for publication especially one of a collection of writings as an article or story. The major contribution of social scientists to the understanding of political life. |
donation | Something that is given to a charity, especially a sum of money. The donation of carpets chairs and cutlery. |
gift | A natural ability or talent. That goal was an absolute gift. |
government benefit | The study of government of states and other political units. |
grant | A right or privilege that has been granted. A grant of probate. |
handout | A quantity of financial or other material aid given to a person or organization. Dependence on central government handouts. |
insurance money | Protection against future loss. |
offering | The verbal act of offering. Offerings during Lent will always be gratefully received. |
pogey | Unemployment or welfare benefit. So you want me to end up on pogey. |
pogy | Any of various large surfperches, especially the redtail surfperch, Amphistichus rhodoterus, of the Pacific coast. |
presentation | A visual representation of something. A sales presentation. |
public assistance allowance | A body of people sharing some common interest. |
social security | A party of people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity. |
social security payments | A party of people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity. |
state benefit | The three traditional states of matter are solids (fixed shape and volume) and liquids (fixed volume and shaped by the container) and gases (filling the container. |
unemployment benefit | The state of being unemployed or not having a job. |
welfare | Statutory procedure or social effort designed to promote the basic physical and material well-being of people in need. The protection of rights to education housing and welfare. |

Usage Examples of "Dole" as a noun
- I was on the dole for three years.
- Death be his dole who worst maintains the strife.
- My next dole cheque.
- The customary dole was a tumblerful of rice.

Dole as a Verb
Definitions of "Dole" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “dole” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Distribute shares of something.

Synonyms of "Dole" as a verb (15 Words)
allocate | Distribute according to a plan or set apart for a special purpose. In past years we didn t allocate enough funds to infrastructure maintenance. |
allot | Allow to have. Equal time was allotted to each. |
apportion | Assign. They did not apportion blame or liability to any one individual. |
assign | Give an assignment to a person to a post or assign a task to a person. The teacher assigned him to lead his classmates in the exercise. |
deal out | Give out as one’s portion or share. |
disburse | Pay out (money from a fund. 67 million of the pledged aid had already been disbursed. |
dispense | Give or apply (medications. Let s dispense with the formalities shall we. |
distribute | Distribute or disperse widely. The journal is distributed worldwide. |
divide up | Come apart. |
give out | Bestow, especially officially. |
hand out | Place into the hands or custody of. |
issue | Make out and issue. Water issued from the hole in the wall. |
pass out | Pass into a specified state or condition. |
pass round | Move past. |
share out | Give out as one’s portion or share. |

Usage Examples of "Dole" as a verb
- The scanty portions of food doled out to them.

Associations of "Dole" (30 Words)
account | The department of a company that deals with financial accounts. The barman was doing his accounts. |
alimony | Financial support that a person is ordered by a court to give to their spouse during separation or following divorce; maintenance. He is said to have paid 300 000 alimony to his first wife. |
bill | A poster or handbill. They were billed to appear but did not show up. |
bookkeeper | A person whose job is to keep records of the financial affairs of a business. The business had grown enough to justify hiring a bookkeeper. |
broke | Lacking funds. He went broke owing two million pounds. |
charge | Energize a battery by passing a current through it in the direction opposite to discharge. Freud thought of cathexis as a psychic analog of an electrical charge. |
deflation | The action or process of deflating or being deflated. The deflation of the illusion that the 1960s were a perpetual party. |
earnings | Income derived from an investment or product. They saved a quarter of all their earnings. |
emolument | A salary, fee, or profit from employment or office. The directors emoluments. |
employer | A person or organization that employs people. The National Health Service was the largest employer in Europe. |
financially | From a financial point of view. The company is now financially stable. |
idle | Be idle exist in a changeless situation. Idle funds. |
installment | A part of a published serial. |
insurance | Money paid out as compensation under an insurance policy. When will I be able to collect the insurance. |
invoice | Send an invoice for goods or services provided. She invoiced the company for her expenses. |
meed | A fitting reward. He must extract from her some meed of approbation. |
overtime | Payment for overtime. Fewer opportunities for overtime. |
paid | Marked by the reception of pay. A paid informer. |
pay | Something that remunerates. How much does this savings certificate pay annually. |
payment | The action or process of paying someone or something or of being paid. Three interest free monthly payments. |
receivable | Able to be received. Accounts receivable. |
remuneration | Something that remunerates. They work in excess of their contracted hours for no additional remuneration. |
salary | Pay a salary to. He received a salary of 24 000. |
taxation | Government income due to taxation. It should be financed out of taxation. |
unemployed | (of a thing) not in use. You have to put your left foot under the clutch when it is unemployed. |
unemployment | The number or proportion of unemployed people. The rate of unemployment is an indicator of the health of an economy. |
unremunerative | Bringing little or no profit or income. An unremunerative occupation. |
wage | Carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns. We were struggling to get better wages. |
worker | A person who works hard. He was a bogus worker of miracles. |
working | (of a theory, definition, or title) used as the basis for work or argument and likely to be developed or improved later. A working draft. |