DOMESTICALLY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DOMESTICALLY?

Need another word that means the same as “domestically”? Find 30 related words for “domestically” in this overview.

Associations of "Domestically" (30 Words)

accommodationThe automatic adjustment of the focus of the eye by flattening or thickening of the lens.
Accommodation to a separate political entity was not possible.
boroughA municipal corporation in certain US states.
comfortA freedom from financial difficulty that promotes a comfortable state.
He dined outdoors comforted by the crackling sounds of the fire.
consolationA person or thing providing consolation.
Second place was no consolation to him.
countyA sporting team playing for a county.
One of the most attractive towns in the county.
districtDivide into areas.
A district health authority.
domesticityDomestic activities or life.
The atmosphere is one of happy domesticity.
domicileLaw the residence where you have your permanent home or principal establishment and to where whenever you are absent you intend to return every person is compelled to have one and only one domicile at a time.
The tenant is domiciled in the United Kingdom.
dwellingHousing that someone is living in.
He built a modest dwelling near the pond.
ergonomicOf or relating to ergonomics.
Workstations with ergonomic chairs.
familyA loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activities.
He s family.
habitableFit for habitation.
The habitable world.
habitationA house or home.
Signs of human habitation.
homeAt or to or in the direction of one s home or family.
The favourite romped home six lengths clear.
householdThe establishment and affairs of a royal household.
The whole household was asleep.
lightweightA lightweight boxer or other competitor.
He was regarded as a political lightweight.
localOf or belonging to or characteristic of a particular locality or neighborhood.
Migration can regulate the local density of animals.
localityAn area or neighbourhood.
The rock s size and locality.
manorOne’s own neighbourhood or area of operation.
A Tudor manor house in the English countryside.
metropolitanRelating to or denoting a metropolitan or his see.
A sophisticated metropolitan.
municipalRelating or belonging to or characteristic of a municipality.
Municipal offices.
nationalA national newspaper as opposed to a local one.
National parks.
neighborhoodThe approximate amount of something (usually used prepositionally as in `in the region of.
He always blames someone else in the immediate neighborhood.
portableA small transportable building used as a classroom.
Portable versions of IBM s Systems Network Architecture technology.
resideMake one’s home in a particular place or community.
People who work in the city actually reside in neighbouring towns.
resident(of a bird, butterfly or other animal) remaining in an area throughout the year; non-migratory.
Arctic residents are joined annually by long distance migrants.
shelteredProtected from difficulties or unpleasant realities.
The plants need a shady sheltered spot in the garden.
solaceComfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness.
The soundlessness of nature impressed and solaced her.
tameBrought from wildness into a domesticated state.
Tame animals.
townThe permanent residents of a university town.
The town is responsible for snow removal.

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