DOUBLE EDGED SWORD: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DOUBLE EDGED SWORD?

Need another word that means the same as “double edged sword”? Find 30 related words for “double edged sword” in this overview.

Associations of "Double edged sword" (30 Words)

angleMove or proceed at an angle.
The supporting frame is usually of aluminium angle bolted together.
bevelCut a bevel on shape to a bevel.
Bevel the surface.
bifocalA pair of glasses with bifocal lenses.
Bifocal eyeglasses.
brandishThe act of waving.
Brandish a sword.
cudgelStrike with a cudgel.
They would lie in wait and cudgel her to death.
daggerA moth with a dark dagger shaped marking on the forewing.
He drew his dagger and stabbed the leader.
dualThe dual number.
Dual language texts in English and Italian.
hemlineThe line formed by the lower edge of a skirt or coat.
Modest dress means that hemlines must be below the knee.
lancetA lancet arch or window.
A lancet clock.
longitudinalRunning lengthwise.
A longitudinal study of ten patients.
marginAnnotate or summarize a text in the margins.
There was no margin for error.
multipleA shop with branches in many places, especially one selling a specific type of product.
Multiple ownership.
peripheryA marginal or secondary position in, or aspect of, a group, subject, or sphere of activity.
New buildings on the periphery of the hospital site.
perpendicularPerpendicular position or direction.
The perpendicular cliff.
pikeUsed in names of predatory fish with large teeth other than the true pike e g garpike.
pluralThe plural number.
Nouns with irregular plurals.
precipiceA very steep rock face or cliff, especially a tall one.
We swerved toward the edge of the precipice.
protuberanceSomething that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings.
The occipital protuberance was well developed.
quadrupleA quadruple number or amount.
A quadruple murder.
reversibleA garment (especially a coat) that can be worn inside out (with either side of the cloth showing.
The entropy change is zero only in the limiting case of a reversible process.
rimRoll around the rim of.
The ball rimmed the basket.
sextupleConsisting of six parts or things.
sideTake sides for or againstm siding against the current candidate.
A pair of shoes one side winged by a bullet.
ternaryUsing three as a base.
A ternary operation.
timesMultiply (a number.
It was a sign of the times.
trinityThe union of the Father and Son and Holy Ghost in one Godhead.
The wine was the first of a trinity of three excellent vintages.
tripleHit a triple.
Grain prices were expected to triple.
vergeAn extreme limit beyond which something specified will happen.
They came down to the verge of the lake.
wardAdmit to or care for in a hospital ward.
The ward and care of the Crown.

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