Need another word that means the same as “eagerly”? Find 1 synonym and 30 related words for “eagerly” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Eagerly” are: thirstily
Eagerly as an Adverb
Definitions of "Eagerly" as an adverb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “eagerly” as an adverb can have the following definitions:
- With eagerness; in an eager manner.
- Used to emphasize a strong desire to do or have something.
- In a keenly expectant or interested manner.

Synonyms of "Eagerly" as an adverb (1 Word)
thirstily | With eagerness; in an eager manner. |

Usage Examples of "Eagerly" as an adverb
- Fans of the show are eagerly awaiting the new season.
- Original illustrations are eagerly sought by collectors.
- The news was eagerly awaited.
Associations of "Eagerly" (30 Words)
agog | Highly excited by eagerness, curiosity, etc. Papa was agog with curiosity. |
anxiously | With anxiety or apprehension. We watched anxiously. |
ardent | Very enthusiastic or passionate. The ardent flames. |
aspire | Direct one’s hopes or ambitions towards achieving something. Above the domes of loftiest mosques these pinnacles aspire. |
await | (of an event or circumstance) be in store for (someone. An eagerly awaited debut. |
bide | Dwell. How long must I bide here to wait for the answer. |
covetous | Immoderately desirous of acquiring e.g. wealth. He was never covetous before he met her. |
desire | Feel or have a desire for want strongly. A man of many desires. |
desirous | Having or characterized by desire. Desirous of finding a quick solution to the problem. |
devour | Eat immoderately. He devoured half of his burger in one bite. |
eager | (of a person’s expression or tone of voice) keenly expectant or interested. Eager to travel abroad. |
earnest | Sincerely earnest. Two girls were in earnest conversation. |
enthusiasm | Something that arouses enthusiasm. Her energy and enthusiasm for life. |
enthusiastic | Having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval. An enthusiastic response. |
envious | Showing extreme cupidity; painfully desirous of another’s advantages. An envious glance. |
fanaticism | Excessive intolerance of opposing views. The dangers of religious fanaticism. |
fervent | Hot, burning, or glowing. The fervent heat merely communicated a genial warmth to their half torpid systems. |
fervid | Extremely hot- Nathaniel Hawthorne- Frances Trollope. His fervid protestations of love. |
greedy | Ardently or excessively desirous. Greedy for money and power. |
impassioned | Characterized by intense emotion. An impassioned appeal. |
jealous | Feeling or showing a resentful suspicion that one’s partner is attracted to or involved with someone else. A jealous lover. |
passion | Any object of warm affection or devotion. Oratory in which he gradually works himself up into a passion. |
passionate | Having or expressing strong emotions. Passionate pleas for help. |
rabid | Having or proceeding from an extreme or fanatical support of or belief in something. She s expecting more rabid support from the home fans. |
restlessly | In a restless manner. |
torrid | (especially in financial contexts) characterized by intense activity; hard to contain or stop. The world s most torrid economies. |
uneasily | In a way that is awkward or incongruous. I shifted uneasily in my seat. |
zeal | Prompt willingness. He had an absolute zeal for litigation. |
zealotry | Fanatical and uncompromising pursuit of religious, political, or other ideals; fanaticism. He expressed concern about religious zealotry playing an increasing role in politics. |
zealous | Having or showing zeal. The council was extremely zealous in the application of the regulations. |