EASES: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EASES?

Need another word that means the same as “eases”? Find 15 synonyms and 30 related words for “eases” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Eases” are: alleviate, facilitate, allay, relieve, still, comfort, relaxation, repose, rest, easiness, simpleness, simplicity, informality, relief

Eases as a Noun

Definitions of "Eases" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “eases” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A freedom from financial difficulty that promotes a comfortable state.
  • Freedom from constraint or embarrassment.
  • Freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility.
  • Freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort.
  • The condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress.

Synonyms of "Eases" as a noun (9 Words)

comfortA freedom from financial difficulty that promotes a comfortable state.
He is a man who enjoys his comfort.
easinessFreedom from difficulty or hardship or effort.
The easiness we feel when sleeping.
informalityRelaxed, friendly, or unofficial style or nature; absence of formality.
There is a laid back informality to the food.
relaxationA method of solving simultaneous equations by guessing a solution and then reducing the errors that result by successive approximations until all the errors are less than some specified amount.
Relaxation of censorship rules.
reliefA cause of or occasion for relief.
He asked the nurse for relief from the constant pain.
reposeThe absence of mental stress or anxiety.
He had lost none of his grace or his repose.
restAn instance or period of resting.
The car accelerates rapidly from rest.
simplenessFreedom from difficulty or hardship or effort.
simplicityThe quality of being simple or uncompounded.
They took advantage of her simplicity.

Usage Examples of "Eases" as a noun

  • They put it into containers for ease of transportation.
  • A life of luxury and ease.
  • Getting it off his conscience gave him some ease.
  • He rose through the ranks with apparent ease.
  • I am never at ease with strangers.

Eases as a Verb

Definitions of "Eases" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “eases” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Make easier.
  • Move gently or carefully.
  • Lessen pain or discomfort; alleviate.
  • Lessen the intensity of or calm.

Synonyms of "Eases" as a verb (6 Words)

allayLessen the intensity of or calm.
Some stale figs partly allayed our hunger.
alleviateMake easier.
Measures to alleviate unemployment.
comfortLessen pain or discomfort alleviate.
He dined outdoors comforted by the crackling sounds of the fire.
facilitateIncrease the likelihood of (a response.
You could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge.
relieveRelieve oneself of troubling information.
He was relieved of his world title.
stillMake or become still quieten.
The din in the hall stilled.

Usage Examples of "Eases" as a verb

  • Ease the pain in your legs.
  • The news eased my conscience.
  • He eased himself into the chair.

Associations of "Eases" (30 Words)

allayRelieve or alleviate (pain or hunger.
Some stale figs partly allayed our hunger.
alleviateMake easier.
He couldn t prevent her pain only alleviate it.
allowAllow the other baseball team to score.
She was allowed a higher profile.
appeaseOvercome or allay.
Amendments have been added to appease local pressure groups.
assuageCause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of.
The letter assuaged the fears of most members.
conciliateReconcile; make compatible.
He sought to conciliate in the dispute.
conjugateA mixture of two partially miscible liquids A and B produces two conjugate solutions one of A in B and another of B in A.
Conjugate the verb.
convenientLarge and roomy convenient is archaic in this sense.
A convenient excuse for not going.
enableMake (a device or system) operational; activate.
This skill will enable you to find a job on Wall Street.
enablingProviding legal power or sanction.
Enabling power.
extenuateLessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of.
The circumstances extenuate the crime.
facilitateMake (an action or process) easy or easier.
Schools were located in the same campus to facilitate the sharing of resources.
handlingManual (or mechanical) carrying or moving or delivering or working with something.
The handling of prisoners.
mitigateLessen the gravity of (an offence or mistake.
There had been a provocation that mitigated the offence to a degree.
mollifyAppease the anger or anxiety of (someone.
Nature reserves were set up around the power stations to mollify local conservationists.
pacifyQuell the anger, agitation, or excitement of.
The U N troops are working to pacify Bosnia.
palliateProvide physical relief, as from pain.
There is no way to excuse or palliate his dirty deed.
permitA legal document giving official permission to do something.
He would not permit anybody access to the library.
placateMake (someone) less angry or hostile.
They attempted to placate the students with promises.
processingPreparing or putting through a prescribed procedure.
The processing of ore to obtain minerals.
propitiateMake peace with.
The pagans thought it was important to propitiate the gods with sacrifices.
quenchAn act of quenching a very hot substance.
He only pursued her to quench an aching need.
relaxationThe action of making a rule or restriction less strict.
Relaxation of censorship rules.
relentAbandon or mitigate a severe or harsh attitude, especially by finally yielding to a request.
She was going to refuse his request but relented.
relieveRelieve oneself of troubling information.
He dispatched an expedition to relieve the city.
simplicityThe quality or condition of being plain or uncomplicated in form or design.
For the sake of simplicity this chapter will concentrate upon one theory.
simplifyMake simpler or easier or reduce in complexity or extent.
This move will simplify our lives.
slackenReduce or decrease in speed or intensity.
The rope slackened.
softenMake soft or softer.
Rents have softened in out of town locations.
therebyBy that means; as a result of that.
Students perform in hospitals thereby gaining a deeper awareness of the therapeutic power of music.

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