EDUCATING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EDUCATING?

Need another word that means the same as “educating”? Find 30 related words for “educating” in this overview.

Associations of "Educating" (30 Words)

academyA society or institution of distinguished scholars and artists or scientists that aims to promote and maintain standards in its particular field.
A police academy.
campusThe grounds and buildings of a university or college.
For the first year I had a room on campus.
civilizeRaise from a barbaric to a civilized state.
The wild child found wandering in the forest was gradually civilized.
collegeThe body of faculty and students of a college.
I m at college studying graphic design.
diplomaAn official document or charter.
disciplineA system of rules of conduct or method of practice.
Every month discipline yourself to go through the file.
educationThe United States federal department that administers all federal programs dealing with education including federal aid to educational institutions and students created 1979.
It was clear that he had a very broad education.
educatorSomeone who educates young people.
The perspective of a professional educator.
homeroomA classroom in which a group of students assembles daily with the same teacher before dispersing to other classes.
instructGive instructions or directions for some task.
The bank was instructed that the money from the deposit account was now held by the company.
instructionThe profession of a teacher.
He was acting on my instructions.
instructorA university teacher ranking below assistant professor.
A driving instructor.
lectureGive a lecture to a class or other audience.
A lecture hall.
lessonInstruct or teach (someone.
A driving lesson.
matriculateA person who has matriculated.
He was matriculated at Balliol College Oxford.
pedagogicsThe principles and methods of instruction.
pedagogyThe profession of a teacher.
Pedagogy is recognized as an important profession.
polytechnicAn institution of higher education offering courses at degree level or below, especially in vocational subjects.
preceptA rate or tax set by a precept.
He believed all the Christian precepts.
pupilA young person attending school (up through senior high school.
They are former pupils of the school.
readingThe action or skill of reading.
Suggestions for further reading.
schoolingThe training of an animal (especially the training of a horse for dressage.
His parents paid for his schooling.
schoolmasterPresiding officer of a school.
studyingReading carefully with intent to remember.
teachWork as a teacher.
She teaches me French.
teachingThe activities of educating or instructing; activities that impart knowledge or skill.
I went into teaching because I like working with children.
traineeSomeone who is being trained.
Trainee solicitors.
tuitionA sum of money charged for teaching by a college or university.
Tuition fees.
undergraduateDenoting or relating to an undergraduate.
Undergraduate students.
universityThe body of faculty and students at a university.
His daughter is at university.

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