Need another word that means the same as “emerged”? Find 30 related words for “emerged” in this overview.
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Associations of "Emerged" (30 Words)
aboveground | On or above the surface of the ground. Aboveground nuclear testing. |
appear | Appear as a character on stage or appear in a play etc. The paperback edition didn t appear for another two years. |
ascertain | Learn or discover with certainty. Management should ascertain whether adequate funding can be provided. |
betide | Become of; happen to. I waited with beating heart not knowing what would betide. |
blur | Make unclear indistinct or blurred. The haze blurs the hills. |
depict | Give a description of. These equations may be depicted on a graph. |
emerging | Coming to maturity. Established and emerging artists. |
espy | Catch sight of. She espied her daughter rounding the corner. |
evince | Reveal the presence of (a quality or feeling); indicate. The news stories evinced the usual mixture of sympathy and satisfaction. |
externalize | Regard as objective. An urgent need to externalize the experience. |
find | The finding of a fox. I can t find my keys. |
fixate | Cause (someone) to develop an obsessive attachment to someone or something. An individual may have been fixated at one stage of development. |
look | An expression of a feeling or thought by looking. She is looking to a promotion. |
loom | Weave on a loom. Another air plane loomed into the sky. |
observing | Quick to notice; showing quick and keen perception. |
peek | Look quickly or furtively. I only peeked I didn t see anything interesting. |
peep | Cause to appear. He peeped at the woman through the window. |
phantasm | A ghostly appearing figure. Every phantasm of a hope was quickly nullified. |
predominate | Having superior power and influence. The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain. |
see | See or watch. He is blind he cannot see. |
seem | Seem to be true probable or apparent. I seem to remember giving you very precise instructions. |
show | Show in or as in a picture. The youth soon showed himself a canny batsman. |
smug | Marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction. He was feeling smug after his win. |
superficial | Occurring on or near the surface of the skin. Superficial facial injuries. |
surface | Come to the surface. Surface mail. |
testify | Provide evidence for. The bleak lines testify to inner torment. |
visit | A meeting arranged by the visitor to see someone such as a doctor or lawyer for treatment or advice. He went out to visit with his pals. |
visual | Visible. Visual navigation. |
visually | In a way that relates to seeing or sight. A visually stunning film. |
witness | Be a witness to. The memorial service was witness to the wide circle of his interests. |