Need another word that means the same as “emissary”? Find 9 synonyms and 30 related words for “emissary” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Emissary” are: envoy, ambassador, diplomat, delegate, attaché, legate, consul, plenipotentiary, minister
Emissary as a Noun
Definitions of "Emissary" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “emissary” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A person sent as a diplomatic representative on a special mission.
- Someone sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else.

Synonyms of "Emissary" as a noun (9 Words)
ambassador | An informal representative. The French ambassador to Portugal. |
attaché | A specialist assigned to the staff of a diplomatic mission. |
consul | An official appointed by a state to live in a foreign city and protect the state’s citizens and interests there. The British consul in Israel. |
delegate | A person appointed or elected to represent others. Congress delegates rejected the proposals. |
diplomat | A person who can deal with others in a sensitive and tactful way. |
envoy | Someone sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else. A peace envoy. |
legate | A general or governor of an ancient Roman province, or their deputy. A papal legate arrived in France on a peacemaking mission. |
minister | The job of a head of a government department. The Angels are ministers of the Divine Will. |
plenipotentiary | A person, especially a diplomat, invested with the full power of independent action on behalf of their government, typically in a foreign country. |

Associations of "Emissary" (30 Words)
abroad | Foreign countries considered collectively. Millions of seeds are annually scattered abroad. |
ambassador | An accredited diplomat sent by a state as its permanent representative in a foreign country. He is a good ambassador for the industry. |
bargaining | The negotiation of the terms of a transaction or agreement. |
colony | A group of people living in a colony consisting of the original settlers and their descendants and successors. A nudist colony. |
commission | A work produced in response to a commission. The aircraft carrier was commissioned in 1945. |
compromise | Make a compromise arrive at a compromise. The secret of a happy marriage is compromise. |
concord | Arrange the words of a text so as to create a concordance. Both philosophers concord on this point. |
consul | A diplomat appointed by a government to protect its commercial interests and help its citizens in a foreign country. The British consul in Israel. |
consulate | The period of office of a Roman consul. He called at the consulate in Palestine to pick up a visa. |
declaration | A formal public statement. The declaration of war. |
devolution | The delegation of authority (especially from a central to a regional government. The devolution of the gentlemanly ideal into a glorification of drunkenness. |
diplomat | A person who deals tactfully with others. |
diplomatic | Of or concerning diplomacy. The hostess averted a confrontation with a diplomatic chenage of subject. |
embassy | The staff working in an embassy. Worsley failed to be selected to join the embassy to Sweden. |
envoy | A brief stanza concluding certain forms of poetry. A peace envoy. |
foreign | Dealing with or relating to other countries. Foreign currency. |
mediate | Connected indirectly through another person or thing involving an intermediate agency. Structures which mediate gender divisions. |
messenger | Send a document or package by messenger. Nitric oxide is an intercellular messenger. |
nation | The people who live in a nation or country. The Shawnee nation. |
negotiate | Find a way over or through (an obstacle or difficult route. He negotiated a new contract with the sellers. |
official | A person holding public office or having official duties especially as a representative of an organization or government department. The golfer asked for an official who could give him a ruling. |
pacification | The act of appeasing someone or causing someone to be more favorably inclined. A wonderful skill in the pacification of crying infants. |
peace | A treaty agreeing peace between warring states. The Straits were to be open to warships in time of peace. |
plenipotentiary | A diplomat who is fully authorized to represent his or her government. He went armed with plenipotentiary powers to take whatever measures he felt necessary. |
rapprochement | The reestablishing of cordial relations. There were signs of a growing rapprochement between the two countries. |
reconcilable | Capable of being reconciled. The theory was quite reconcilable with industrialization. |
reconciliation | The reestablishing of cordial relations. The reconciliation of his checkbook and the bank statement. |
representative | Of a government or political system based on elected or chosen representatives. A representative modern play. |
settlement | The property given under a settlement. Inheritance tax could be due if you make a substantial gift or settlement and then die within the following seven years. |
sinologist | A student of Chinese history and language and culture. |