EMPLOYING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EMPLOYING?

Need another word that means the same as “employing”? Find 30 related words for “employing” in this overview.

Associations of "Employing" (30 Words)

applicantA person who makes a formal application for something, especially a job.
Applicants for the degree course.
applicationSustained effort; hard work.
December 31 is the deadline for applications.
applyApply to a surface.
You need to apply to the local authority for a grant.
clerkWork as a clerk as in the legal business.
Eleven of those who left college this year are clerking in auction stores.
contractedReduced in size or pulled together.
The contracted pupils of her eyes.
coordinatorSomeone whose task is to see that work goes harmoniously.
A full time coordinator was appointed to oversee the referral process.
employed(of a person) having a paid job.
Most of our graduates are employed.
employeeA person employed for wages or salary, especially at non-executive level.
employmentThe act of giving someone a job.
He is looking for employment.
headhunterA savage who cuts off and preserves the heads of enemies as trophies.
A headhunter offering you a wonderful new position at a higher salary.
hireA newly hired employee.
He signed up for a week s car hire.
indentureThe state of being bound to service by an indenture.
An indentured servant.
interviewPerform well or badly at an interview.
A half hour interview with the prime minister.
lackeyA male servant (especially a footman.
Lackeys were waiting to help them from the carriage.
mercenaryA professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army.
Cricket s most infamous mercenary.
occupationAny activity that occupies a person’s attention.
He missed the bell in his occupation with the computer game.
professionA body of people engaged in a particular profession.
The legal profession has become increasingly business conscious.
proletarianA member of the working class (not necessarily employed.
A proletarian ideology.
recruiterAn official who enlists personnel for military service.
A recruiter will schedule you for an interview.
recruitmentThe act of getting recruits; enlisting people for the army (or for a job or a cause etc.
Inflammatory cell recruitment.
secretarialOf or relating to a secretary or to a secretary’s work.
Secretarial skills.
semiskilledPossessing or requiring limited skills.
Semiskilled dockworkers.
staffServe on the staff of.
The Polish General and his staff.
subcontractWork under a subcontract engage in a subcontract.
We would subcontract the translation work out.
subcontractorA firm or person that carries out work for a company as part of a larger project.
vocationA person’s employment or main occupation, especially regarded as worthy and requiring dedication.
GNVQs in Leisure and Tourism will be the introduction to a wide span of vocations.
workaholicA person who compulsively works excessively hard and long hours.
workerA member of the working class (not necessarily employed.
A red flag with the inscription workers of the world unite.
workforceThe force of workers available.
A quarter of Galway s manufacturing workforce are being put out of a job.
workingAdopted as a temporary basis for further work.
A working draft.

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