Need another word that means the same as “enacting”? Find 30 related words for “enacting” in this overview.
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Associations of "Enacting" (30 Words)
adopt | (of a local authority) accept responsibility for the maintenance of (a road). This approach has been adopted by many big banks. |
amendment | Something which is added to soil in order to improve its texture or fertility. You can add some soil texturizing amendments to improve soil drainage. |
appoint | Assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to. They appointed her as personnel manager. |
attorney | A solicitor. |
chaplain | A member of the clergy attached to a private chapel, institution, ship, regiment, etc. A prison chaplain. |
clergy | In Christianity clergymen collectively as distinguished from the laity. All marriages were to be solemnized by the clergy. |
council | Denoting housing provided by a local council at a subsidized rent. That evening she held a family council. |
curate | A minister with pastoral responsibility. |
decree | Issue a decree. Presidential decrees. |
enactment | Acting the part of a character on stage; dramatically representing the character by speech and action and gesture. The enactment of equal pay legislation. |
enforcement | The act of enforcing; ensuring observance of or obedience to. The strict enforcement of environmental regulations. |
extraterritorial | (of a law or decree) valid outside a country’s territory. Foreign embassies have extraterritorial rights. |
federal | Any federal law enforcement officer. Federal courts. |
jurisdiction | In law; the territory within which power can be exercised. Several different tax jurisdictions. |
law | Statute law and the common law. The law came looking for him. |
legal | Having legal efficacy or force. The European legal system. |
legislate | Make laws, bills, etc. or bring into effect by legislation. You cannot legislate for bad luck like that. |
legislation | The process of making or enacting laws. It will require legislation to change this situation. |
minister | Administer a sacrament. The story was able to minister true consolation. |
nominate | Put forward nominate for appointment to an office or for an honor or position. The President nominated her as head of the Civil Rights Commission. |
ordain | Order (something) officially. Equal punishment was ordained for the two crimes. |
ordinance | A statute enacted by a city government. They issued an ordinance limiting the length of nets. |
pastor | Be pastor of a church or congregation. He continued to study law while pastoring in Chelsea. |
prescript | An ordinance, law, or command. |
priest | Ordain to the priesthood. The plays were performed within the sacred area of Dionysus in the presence of his priest. |
reenact | Enact again. She reenacted what had happened earlier that day. |
regulation | Prescribed by or according to regulation. Short haircuts were the regulation. |
rule | Mark or draw with a ruler. The rules of cricket. |
statute | A written law passed by a legislative body. The Act consolidated statutes dealing with non fatal offences. |
statutory | Having come to be required or expected through being done or made regularly. Statutory restrictions. |