ENGAGEMENTS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ENGAGEMENTS?

Need another word that means the same as “engagements”? Find 15 synonyms and 30 related words for “engagements” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Engagements” are: betrothal, troth, employment, interlocking, mesh, meshing, involution, involvement, participation, battle, conflict, fight, booking, appointment, date

Engagements as a Noun

Definitions of "Engagements" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “engagements” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • The act of giving someone a job.
  • A hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war.
  • The act of sharing in the activities of a group.
  • Contact by fitting together.
  • A meeting arranged in advance.
  • A mutual promise to marry.
  • Employment for performers or performing groups that lasts for a limited period of time.

Synonyms of "Engagements" as a noun (15 Words)

appointmentThe act of disposing of property by virtue of the power of appointment.
The room was spartan in its appointments.
battleAn energetic attempt to achieve something.
He died in battle.
betrothalFormal engagement to be married; engagement.
bookingEmployment for performers or performing groups that lasts for a limited period of time.
Wondered who had made the booking.
conflictAn open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals)–Thomas Paine.
Regional conflicts.
dateSweet edible fruit of the date palm with a single long woody seed.
I ve got a hot date.
employmentThe act of giving someone a job.
He travelled in a variety of employments.
fightThe inclination or ability to fight or struggle.
A long fight against cancer.
interlockingThe act of interlocking or meshing.
An interlocking of arms by the police held the crowd in check.
involutionThe act of sharing in the activities of a group.
Periods of artistic involution.
involvementThe fact or condition of being involved with or participating in something.
She knew that involvement with Adam would only complicate her life.
meshThe act of interlocking or meshing.
If the mesh is too big small rabbits can squeeze through.
meshingThe act of interlocking or meshing.
The meshing of gears.
participationThe condition of sharing in common with others (as fellows or partners etc.
The scheme is based on employer participation.
trothFaith or loyalty when pledged in a solemn agreement or undertaking.
A token of troth.

Usage Examples of "Engagements" as a noun

  • The teacher tried to increase his students' engagement in class activities.
  • The engagement of the clutch.
  • He lost his romantic ideas about war when he got into a real engagement.

Associations of "Engagements" (30 Words)

appointmentThe act of disposing of property by virtue of the power of appointment.
His appointment as President.
assuranceA British term for some kinds of insurance.
The President s assurances were not respected.
betrothGive to in marriage.
In no time I shall be betrothed to Isabel.
betrothalThe act of becoming betrothed or engaged.
bridalOf or relating to a wedding.
The bridal party came out into the church porch.
calendarEnter into a calendar.
I have you on my calendar for next Monday.
celebrateHave a celebration.
Wildlife campaigners celebrated after their victory.
ceremonyAny activity that is performed in an especially solemn elaborate or formal way.
We found a rabbi to perform the ceremony for us.
commitmentAn engagement by contract involving financial obligation.
A man of energy and commitment.
dateEstablish or ascertain the date of an object or event.
1066 is the most famous date in English history.
diamondA tool with a small diamond for cutting glass.
A diamond ring.
expiryA coming to an end of a contract period.
The expiry of his driver s license.
fealtyA feudal tenant’s or vassal’s sworn loyalty to a lord.
They owed fealty to the Earl rather than the King.
fianceA man who is engaged to be married.
fidelityAccuracy with which an electronic system reproduces the sound or image of its input signal.
His fidelity to liberal ideals.
honeymoonSpend a honeymoon.
They are honeymooning in the south of France.
manifestoA public declaration of policy and aims, especially one issued before an election by a political party or candidate.
Manifesto commitments.
marriageThe act of marrying; the nuptial ceremony.
They were celebrating 50 years of marriage.
monthA period of time between the same dates in successive calendar months.
The first six months of 1992.
nuptialA wedding.
The forthcoming nuptials between Richard and Jocelyn.
oathA commitment to tell the truth especially in a court of law to lie under oath is to become subject to prosecution for perjury.
He exploded with a mouthful of oaths.
pactA written agreement between two states or sovereigns.
The country negotiated a trade pact with the US.
pledgeBind or secure by a pledge.
The creditor to whom the land is pledged.
promiseMake a promise or commitment.
There is little or no promise that he will recover.
renegeFail to fulfill a promise or obligation.
The government had reneged on its election promises.
salutationA standard formula of words used in a letter to address the person being written to.
He raised his glass in salutation.
saluteMake a formal salute to.
He saluted her with a smile.
A token of troth.
vowMake a vow promise.
I vowed that my family would never go hungry.
weddingA party of people at a wedding.

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