Need another word that means the same as “engineered”? Find 30 related words for “engineered” in this overview.
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Associations of "Engineered" (30 Words)
architect | Someone who creates plans to be used in making something (such as buildings. An architected information interface. |
assembler | A program to convert assembly language into machine language. |
carpenter | Do the work of a carpenter. She carpenters and goes on archaeological digs. |
climatologist | Someone who is expert in climatology. |
electrician | A person who installs or repairs electrical or telephone lines. |
embedded | (of an object) fixed firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass; implanted. Peach and plum seeds embedded in a sweet edible pulp. |
engineering | A room (as on a ship) in which the engine is located. If not for his shrewd engineering the election would have been lost. |
experimenter | A person who tries out new ideas, methods, or activities. Early experimenters with structure and harmony. |
fix | Decide upon or fix definitely. Making everything easier for the car driver would only be a short term fix. |
industry | The organized action of making of goods and services for sale. The kitchen became a hive of industry. |
invent | Make up something artificial or untrue. He invented an improved form of the steam engine. |
inventor | A person who invented a particular process or device or who invents things as an occupation. |
linesman | Official (in tennis, soccer, football, etc.) who assists the referee in some way (especially by watching for out of bounds or offside. |
machine | Make or operate on with a machine. Comedians are more than just laugh machines. |
machinist | A person who operates a machine, especially a machine tool or a sewing machine. |
mechanic | Resembling the action of a machine. From blank to blank a threadless way I pushed mechanic feet. |
operator | A symbol or function representing a mathematical operation. Her reputation as a cool clever operator. |
plumber | A person who fits and repairs the pipes, fittings, and other apparatus of water supply, sanitation, or heating systems. |
referee | Act as the referee of. He refereed two of the first round group matches. |
repairman | A skilled worker whose job is to repair things. A TV repairman. |
scientist | A person who is studying or has expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences. A research scientist. |
sculptor | A faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near Phoenix and Cetus. |
technician | An expert in the practical application of a science. Liszt was one of the greatest piano technicians of all time. |
technique | Skillfulness in the command of fundamentals deriving from practice and familiarity. He has excellent technique. |
technology | The application of the knowledge and usage of tools (such as machines or utensils) and techniques to control one’s environment. Advances in computer technology. |
toolmaker | A maker of tools, especially a person who makes and maintains tools for use in a manufacturing process. |
umpire | Be a referee or umpire in a sports competition. He umpired the World Cup final. |
welder | A person who welds metal. He worked as a welder in a steel factory. |
wire | A wire stretched across and above the start and finish of a racecourse. A wire coat hanger. |
wiring | The installation of electric wiring. Civilizations have put nothing into the basic wiring of the human animal. |