Need another word that means the same as “engrossed”? Find 5 synonyms and 30 related words for “engrossed” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Engrossed” are: absorbed, captive, enwrapped, intent, wrapped
Engrossed as an Adjective
Definitions of "Engrossed" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “engrossed” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Giving or marked by complete attention to- Walter de la Mare.
- Giving or marked by complete attention to.
- Written formally in a large clear script, as a deed or other legal document.

Synonyms of "Engrossed" as an adjective (5 Words)
absorbed | (of energy or a liquid or other substance) taken in or soaked up. He was gazing into the water with absorbed attention. |
captive | Imprisoned or confined. Advertisements at the cinema reach a captive audience. |
enwrapped | Giving or marked by complete attention to. Enwrapped in dreams. |
intent | Determined to do (something. So intent on this fantastic narrative that she hardly stirred. |
wrapped | Overjoyed; delighted. Enwrapped in dreams. |

Usage Examples of "Engrossed" as an adjective
- That engrossed look or rapt delight.

Associations of "Engrossed" (30 Words)
absorbed | Having one’s attention fully engaged; greatly interested. He was gazing into the water with absorbed attention. |
captive | (of a facility or service) controlled by, and typically for the sole use of, an organization. The policeman put a pair of handcuffs on the captive. |
committal | The act of committing a crime. Committal proceedings. |
concentration | Strengthening the concentration as of a solute in a mixture by removing diluting material. Concentration on the needs of the young can mean that the elderly are forgotten. |
concerned | Feeling or showing worry or solicitude. We feel concerned about accomplishing the task at hand. |
confined | (of a space) restricted in area or volume; cramped. Her fear of confined spaces. |
confinement | Concluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child. He was immediately released from his confinement. |
considerate | Showing careful thought. She was unfailingly kind and considerate. |
contemplative | A person devoted to the contemplative life. Contemplative knowledge of God. |
culprit | Someone who perpetrates wrongdoing. The car s front nearside door had been smashed in but the culprits had fled. |
daydream | Indulge in a daydream. Stop daydreaming and pay attention. |
ecstatic | Involving an experience of mystic self-transcendence. An ecstatic vision of God. |
enraptured | Feeling great rapture or delight. |
focus | Place the focus on an element of a sentence. They were focusing a telescope on a star. |
imprisonment | Putting someone in prison or in jail as lawful punishment. The imprisonment of captured soldiers. |
intent | Intention or purpose. His intent was to provide a new translation. |
joyous | Full of happiness and joy. Felt a joyous abandon. |
pensive | Showing pensive sadness. A pensive mood. |
perpetrator | A person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act. The perpetrators of this horrific crime must be brought to justice. |
preoccupied | Having or showing excessive or compulsive concern with something. She seemed a bit preoccupied. |
prison | Imprison. He died in prison. |
prisoner | A person who is confined especially a prisoner of war. 200 rebels were taken prisoner. |
rapt | Filled with an intense and pleasurable emotion enraptured. The newly chosen minister declared he was rapt with his new portfolio. |
rapture | (according to some millenarian teaching) transport (a believer) from earth to heaven at the Second Coming of Christ. The tabloids went into raptures about her. |
repatriate | A person who has been repatriated. Foreign firms would be permitted to repatriate all profits. |
reverie | A state of being pleasantly lost in one’s thoughts; a daydream. A knock on the door broke her reverie. |
solicitous | Characterized by or showing interest or concern. She was always solicitous about the welfare of her students. |
thoughtful | Taking heed giving close and thoughtful attention. Brows drawn together in thoughtful consideration. |
trapped | Forced to turn and face attackers. Like a trapped animal. |
troubled | Beset by problems or difficulties. Troubled areas. |