ESTABLISHES: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ESTABLISHES?

Need another word that means the same as “establishes”? Find 18 synonyms and 30 related words for “establishes” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Establishes” are: lay down, make, build, give, instal, install, set up, base, found, ground, constitute, institute, plant, demonstrate, prove, shew, show, launch

Establishes as a Verb

Definitions of "Establishes" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “establishes” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment.
  • Set up or lay the groundwork for.
  • Institute, enact, or establish.
  • Bring about.
  • Place.
  • Set up or found.
  • Build or establish something abstract.
  • Use as a basis for; found on.

Synonyms of "Establishes" as a verb (18 Words)

baseUse as a basis for; found on.
A London based band.
buildCommission finance and oversee the building of something.
The government is building new schools in this state.
constituteBe (a part) of a whole.
There were enough members present to constitute a quorum.
demonstrateTake part in a public demonstration.
She demonstrated how to cook chops.
foundSet up or found.
giveLeave with give temporarily.
Gooch was given out caught behind.
groundHit or reach the ground.
He grounded out to shortstop.
instalPut into an office or a position.
Install the washer and dryer.
installPut into an office or a position.
Install the washer and dryer.
instituteSet up or lay the groundwork for.
The award was instituted in 1900.
launchLaunch for the first time launch on a maiden voyage.
A chair was launched at him.
lay downPut into a certain place or abstract location.
makeMake by shaping or bringing together constituents.
Anyone can make a mistake.
plantPlace a plant in the ground out of doors so it can grow especially after growing it from seed in an indoor environment.
It was raining when we planted him.
proveProve formally demonstrate by a mathematical formal proof.
The scheme has proved a great success.
set upDisappear beyond the horizon.
shewEstablish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment.
showShow in or as in a picture.
It was Frank s turn to show his frustration.

Usage Examples of "Establishes" as a verb

  • Establish a new department.
  • The trompe l'oeil-illusion establishes depth.

Associations of "Establishes" (30 Words)

arrangeArrange thoughts ideas temporal events.
Accommodation can be arranged if required.
arrangedDeliberately arranged for effect.
Haphazardly arranged interlobular septa.
arrayAn impressive display.
They were arrayed in Hungarian national dress.
basedHaving a base of operations (often used as a combining form.
Firmly based ice.
buildBuild or establish something abstract.
The government is building new schools in this state.
colonyA group of people living in a colony consisting of the original settlers and their descendants and successors.
Japanese forces overran the French colony of Indo China.
configureArrange or order (a computer system or an element of it) so as to fit it for a designated task.
The memory can be configured as a virtual drive.
constructCreate by organizing and linking ideas, arguments, or concepts.
Some eccentric constructed an electric brassiere warmer.
cookSomeone who cooks food.
A narcotics team who cooked the evidence.
coordinateForm a coordinate bond to an atom or molecule.
Cross references in the catalogue link subjects which may be coordinate.
createCreate by artistic means.
He was created a baronet.
devise(law) a gift of real property by will.
A training programme should be devised.
fixingRestraint that attaches to something or holds something in place.
Several laws restricted the fixing of retail prices.
foundSet up or found.
Found art.
furnishSupply someone with (something); give (something) to someone.
She was able to furnish me with details of the incident.
installSet up for use.
Install the washer and dryer.
instituteAdvance or set forth in court.
The state instituted a national lottery.
inventMake up (an idea, name, story, etc.), especially so as to deceive someone.
He invented an improved form of the steam engine.
makeMake formulate or derive in the mind.
He wasn t going to make captain.
orderedMarked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts.
An ordered sequence.
organizeBring order and organization to.
Organize lessons in a planned way.
prepareTo prepare verbally either for written or spoken delivery.
Prepare a speech.
readyMake ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use event etc.
A ready source of cash.
reclaimThe action or process of reclaiming or being reclaimed.
Allow a week or ten days for reclaiming the bird.
replenishmentRestoration of a stock or supply to a former level or condition.
A target for replenishment of depleted fish stocks.
setPut or set seeds seedlings or plants into the ground.
The sun sets early these days.
setupThe way something is organized or arranged.
It takes time to learn the setup around here.
sizingAny glutinous material used to fill pores in surfaces or to stiffen fabrics.
suitablyIn a way that is right or appropriate for a particular purpose or situation.
The post is open to suitably qualified applicants from all over the world.
troubleshootSolve problems.
Follow the error messages to troubleshoot.

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