Need another word that means the same as “evident”? Find 24 synonyms and 30 related words for “evident” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Evident” are: discernible, observable, apparent, manifest, palpable, patent, plain, unmistakable, obvious, noticeable, conspicuous, perceptible, perceivable, visible, transparent, clear, clear-cut, tangible, distinct, pronounced, marked, striking, glaring, blatant
Evident as an Adjective
Definitions of "Evident" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “evident” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Capable of being seen or noticed.
- Clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment.
- Clearly seen or understood; obvious.

Synonyms of "Evident" as an adjective (24 Words)
apparent | Clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment. The effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields. |
blatant | Completely lacking in subtlety; very obvious. Blatant radios. |
clear | Clear of charges or deductions. After 18 months of treatment he was clear of TB. |
clear-cut | Clear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible. |
conspicuous | Obvious to the eye or mind. A tower conspicuous at a great distance. |
discernible | Able to be discerned; perceptible. The scandal had no discernible effect on his career. |
distinct | Clearly or sharply defined to the mind. Plants of several distinct types. |
glaring | Highly obvious or conspicuous. Their glaring eyes. |
manifest | Clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment. Manifest disapproval. |
marked | Strongly marked easily noticeable. Walked with a marked limp. |
noticeable | Undesirably noticeable. A noticeable lack of friendliness. |
observable | Able to be noticed or perceived; discernible. Observable differences. |
obvious | Predictable and lacking in subtlety. It was an obvious remark to make. |
palpable | (of a feeling or atmosphere) so intense as to seem almost tangible. Felt sudden anger in a palpable wave. |
patent | Made and marketed under a patent proprietary. The patient is usually left with a patent vessel. |
perceivable | Capable of being perceived especially by sight or hearing. Perceivable through the mist. |
perceptible | Easily seen or detected. Easily perceptible sounds. |
plain | Without a pattern; in only one colour. It was plain that something was wrong. |
pronounced | Very noticeable or marked; conspicuous. A pronounced flavor of cinnamon. |
striking | Having a quality that thrusts itself into attention. A striking thing about Picadilly Circus is the statue of Eros in the center. |
tangible | Perceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch. The emphasis is now on tangible results. |
transparent | Transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity. Transparent chiffon. |
unmistakable | Not able to be mistaken for anything else; very distinctive. The unmistakable sound of his laughter. |
visible | Present and easily available. A visible change of expression. |

Usage Examples of "Evident" as an adjective
- A clearly evident erasure in the manuscript.
- Evident hostility.
- She ate the biscuits with evident enjoyment.

Associations of "Evident" (30 Words)
apparent | Seeming real or true, but not necessarily so. The effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields. |
apparently | As far as one knows or can see. I thought he owned the property but apparently not. |
assuredly | Used to express the speaker’s certainty that something is true. Potted roses will most assuredly not survive winter without protection. |
clearly | Without doubt; obviously. I could clearly see myself in his situation. |
conspicuous | Attracting notice or attention. Made herself conspicuous by her exhibitionistic preening. |
detectable | Easily seen or detected. Yvette responded finally her French accent barely detectable. |
discernible | Able to be discerned; perceptible. An essay with a meaning that was not always discernible. |
distinctly | (used for emphasis) in a way that is very noticeable or apparent; decidedly. Two distinctly different cultures. |
evidently | In a way that is clearly seen or understood; obviously. A work so evidently laden with significance. |
expressly | Explicitly; clearly. The house was expressly built for entertaining. |
identifiable | Able to be recognized; distinguishable. There are no easily identifiable features on the shoreline. |
indubitably | In a manner or to a degree that could not be doubted. Indubitably liberalism parades under many guises. |
justified | Having been adjusted so that the print fills a space evenly or forms a straight line at the margin. The doctors were justified in treating her. |
manifest | Record in a ship s manifest. Manifest disapproval. |
marked | Strongly marked easily noticeable. The word drake is semantically marked as masculine. |
noticeable | Undesirably noticeable. After a noticeable pause the lecturer continued. |
observable | Capable of being seen or noticed. Observable differences. |
obvious | Easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent. Obvious errors. |
obviously | In a way that is easily perceived or understood; clearly. She was obviously unwell. |
palpability | The quality of being perceivable by touch. |
perceptible | Easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind. He continued after a perceptible pause. |
perspicuous | Transparently clear; easily understandable- Robert Burton. It provides simpler and more perspicuous explanations than its rivals. |
plain | Express complaints discontent displeasure or unhappiness. The advantages were plain to see. |
preeminent | Greatest in importance or degree or significance or achievement. A preeminent archeologist. |
pronounced | Strongly marked; easily noticeable. He had a pronounced squint. |
rightly | With honesty. If I remember rightly she never gives interviews. |
seemingly | From appearances alone. It s touch and go seemingly and she s asking for you. |
undoubtedly | Without doubt; certainly. They are undoubtedly guilty. |
visible | Visible imports or exports. Visible resources. |
visibly | In a way that is visible to the eye. The defendant paled visibly as the guilty verdict was announced. |