EXCELLED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EXCELLED?

Need another word that means the same as “excelled”? Find 30 related words for “excelled” in this overview.

Associations of "Excelled" (30 Words)

aceServe an ace against someone.
There was a prize for the first player to ace the hole.
betterChanged for the better in health or fitness.
A better coat.
calibreThe diameter of a bullet, shell, or rocket.
A small calibre revolver.
exaltedIn a state of extreme happiness.
An exalted ideal.
exceedBe better than; surpass.
The Tribunal s decision clearly exceeds its powers under the statute.
excellentExtremely good; outstanding.
Made an excellent speech.
exemplary(of damages) exceeding the amount needed for simple compensation.
An exemplary jail sentence.
fineCharacterized by elegance or refinement or accomplishment.
A fine gentleman.
innatelyAs an inborn characteristic; naturally.
He says females are innately predisposed to learn about people and their emotions.
outdistanceGo far ahead of.
She could maintain a fast enough pace to outdistance any pursuers.
outdoBe superior to in action or performance.
Not to be outdone Vicky and Laura reached the same standard.
outpaceGo, rise, or improve faster than.
Malthus believed that population increase would outpace increases in the means of subsistence.
outrunRun faster than.
It s harder than anyone imagines to outrun destiny.
outstandingHaving a quality that thrusts itself into attention.
The team s outstanding performance.
During the morning warm up he once again outstripped the field.
outwitBeat through cleverness and wit.
Ray had outwitted many an opponent.
overreachAn injury to a forefoot of a horse resulting from its having overreached.
The Church overreached itself in securing a territory that would prove impossible to hold.
overstepPass beyond (limits or boundaries.
You must not overstep your borrowing limit.
overtakeCatch up with and possibly overtake.
He overtook in the face of oncoming traffic.
phenomenalPerceptible by the senses or through immediate experience.
The phenomenal world.
rushingThe action of gaining yardage or scoring a touchdown or conversion by running from scrimmage with the ball.
He is becoming the best rushing quarterback in NFL history.
superbUsed in names of birds with attractive or colourful plumage e g superb lyrebird.
A superb performance.
superiorA superior letter figure or symbol.
A superior officer.
surpassDistinguish oneself.
One line of soldiers surpassed the other.
surpassingExceeding or surpassing usual limits especially in excellence.
A picture of surpassing beauty.
transcendBe greater in scope or size than some standard.
This was an issue transcending party politics.
transcendent(of God) existing apart from and not subject to the limitations of the material universe.
The notion of any transcendent reality beyond thought.
transgressAct in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises.
Each continent has been transgressed by continental seas.
unsurpassedNot capable of being improved on.
The quality of workmanship is unsurpassed.
victorA code word representing the letter V, used in radio communication.
There were many dead on the field but no clear victor.

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