EXECUTED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EXECUTED?

Need another word that means the same as “executed”? Find 30 related words for “executed” in this overview.

Associations of "Executed" (30 Words)

airwayA duct that provides ventilation (as in mines.
He kept the man s airway clear and blood circulating.
apprehendArrest (someone) for a crime.
He is a man that apprehends death no more dreadfully but as a drunken sleep.
arrestAttract and fix.
They placed her under arrest.
captureCapture as if by hunting snaring or trapping.
The island was captured by Australian forces in 1914.
chokeCause a person or animal to choke.
Many guns may not have the right choke.
clutterAn untidy state.
The attic is full of clutter.
convictA person who has been convicted of a criminal offense.
The man was convicted of fraud and sentenced.
criminalRelating to crime as opposed to civil matters.
Criminal in the sight of God and man.
deathThe personification of death.
He seemed more content in death than he had ever been in life.
drownDeliberately kill a person or animal by drowning.
The noise drowned out her speech.
garroteStrangle with an iron collar.
hangingThe act of suspending something hanging it from above so it moves freely.
There was a small ceremony for the hanging of the portrait.
imprisonPut or keep in prison or a place like a prison.
The suspects were imprisoned without trial.
ligatureBind or connect with a ligature.
He ligatured the duodenum below the pylorus.
muffleCover or wrap up (a source of sound) to reduce its loudness.
The trade unions fear their voice within the party is being muffled.
obstruct(in various sports) impede (a player in the opposing team) in a manner which constitutes an offence.
The appellants were arrested and later convicted of obstructing the police.
oppressCome down on or keep down by unjust use of one’s authority.
The government oppresses political activists.
prisonA prisonlike situation a place of seeming confinement.
The young man was prisoned behind the doors.
prisonerA person who is confined especially a prisoner of war.
A prisoner serving a life sentence.
smotherKill (someone) by covering their nose and mouth so that they suffocate.
I dreamt a stranger was trying to kill me by smothering me with a pillow.
stifleRestrain (a reaction) or stop oneself acting on (an emotion.
She stifled a giggle.
strangleDie from strangulation.
The victim was strangled with a scarf.
suffocateStruggle for breath; have insufficient oxygen intake.
The child suffocated under the pillow.
suffocationDifficulty in breathing.
The country s slow suffocation under the ever increasing weight of red tape.
throttleControl an engine or vehicle with a throttle.
The pitch of the engine fell as the driver throttled back.
tortureSubject to torture.
Confessions extracted under torture.
trialOf a horse dog or other animal compete in trials.
A trial of progesterone failed to relieve the pain.
valveEach of the halves of the hinged shell of a bivalve mollusc or brachiopod or of the parts of the compound shell of a barnacle.
The aortic valve.

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