Need another word that means the same as “fabric”? Find 20 synonyms and 30 related words for “fabric” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Fabric” are: cloth, material, textile, framework, stuff, tissue, web, structure, frame, form, make-up, constitution, composition, construction, organization, infrastructure, foundations, mechanisms, anatomy, essence
Fabric as a Noun
Definitions of "Fabric" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “fabric” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The underlying structure.
- The body of a car or aircraft.
- The basic structure of a society, culture, activity, etc.
- Cloth or other material produced by weaving or knitting fibres.
- Artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers.
- The walls, floor, and roof of a building.

Synonyms of "Fabric" as a noun (20 Words)
anatomy | The branch of science concerned with the bodily structure of humans, animals, and other living organisms, especially as revealed by dissection and the separation of parts. Human anatomy. |
cloth | A piece of cloth for cleaning or covering something e g a dishcloth or a tablecloth. A cloth bag. |
composition | A musical work that has been created. The social composition of villages. |
constitution | The constitution written at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787 and subsequently ratified by the original thirteen states. The constitution of a police authority. |
construction | The action of building something, typically a large structure. They put an unsympathetic construction on his conduct. |
essence | A property or group of properties of something without which it would not exist or be what it is. Locke s scepticism about our ability to penetrate to the real essences of things. |
form | A set order of words a formula. He was at the top of his form. |
foundations | Lowest support of a structure. There is little foundation for his objections. |
frame | The framework for a pair of eyeglasses. The frame of verbs of perception. |
framework | A structure supporting or containing something. The theoretical framework of political sociology. |
infrastructure | The stock of basic facilities and capital equipment needed for the functioning of a country or area. The social and economic infrastructure of a country. |
make-up | Cosmetics applied to the face to improve or change your appearance. |
material | Artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers. He s not really Olympic material. |
mechanisms | Device consisting of a piece of machinery; has moving parts that perform some function. He determined unique mechanisms for the photochemical reactions. |
organization | The action of organizing something. The facts were familiar but it was in the organization of them that he was original. |
structure | The arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complex. Artists must study the structure of the human body. |
stuff | Unspecified qualities required to do or be something. Don t give me that stuff. |
textile | Artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers. A fascinating range of pottery jewellery and textiles. |
tissue | Tissue paper. Rosheen wiped her fingers on a sheet of tissue. |
web | The flattened weblike part of a feather consisting of a series of barbs on either side of the shaft. Web publishing. |

Usage Examples of "Fabric" as a noun
- The fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent.
- Heavy cream fabric.
- Stretch fabrics.
- Decay and neglect are slowly eating away at the building's fabric.
- The multicultural fabric of Canadian society.
- It is part of the fabric of society.
- We heard creaking and rushing noises in the car's fabric.

Associations of "Fabric" (30 Words)
baize | A bright green fabric napped to resemble felt; used to cover gaming tables. |
bleach | The act of whitening something by bleaching it exposing it to sunlight or using a chemical bleaching agent. The sun bleached the red shirt. |
canvas | An oil painting on canvas fabric. They found a canvas and he seated his model. |
carpet | Cover with carpet. The New York carpet courts. |
cloak | A cloakroom. Preparations had taken place under a cloak of secrecy. |
cloth | A piece of cloth for cleaning or covering something e g a dishcloth or a tablecloth. Wipe clean with a damp cloth. |
cotton | Fabric woven from cotton fibers. A cotton reel. |
curtain | A raising or lowering of the curtain at the beginning or end of an act or scene. The art is to hold your audience right from the opening curtain. |
doff | Remove. He doffed his hat. |
drape | Arrange (cloth or clothing) loosely or casually on or round something. The body was draped in a blanket. |
drapery | The depiction of folds of cloth in sculpture or painting. The hall of the school was hung with green drapery. |
felt | Change texture so as to become matted and felt like. A felt hat. |
flax | Fiber of the flax plant that is made into thread and woven into linen fabric. A mill for the preparation and spinning of flax. |
laundry | A room in a house, hotel, or institution where clothes and linen can be washed and ironed. Lots of people send their sheets to a laundry these days. |
leather | Leather clothes especially those worn by a motorcyclist. He caught me and leathered me black and blue. |
linen | A high quality paper made of linen fibers or with a linen finish. A linen suit. |
lining | The act of attaching an inside lining to a garment or curtain etc. Self clean oven linings. |
loincloth | A single piece of cloth wrapped round the hips, typically worn by men in some hot countries as their only garment. |
mohair | A yarn or fabric made from mohair typically mixed with wool. A mohair sweater. |
nylon | Stockings or tights made of nylon. The tent is made of blue nylon. |
plush | A fabric with a nap that is longer and softer than velvet. A plush Mayfair flat. |
quilted | Made of layers of fabric held together by patterned stitching. A blue quilted jacket. |
sheet | Cover with or wrap in a sheet of cloth. A sheet of ice. |
textile | Used by nudists in reference to non-nudists. Textile beaches. |
thread | Pass a thread through. He had a loose thread on his shirt. |
upholstery | The craft of upholstering. Leather upholstery. |
valance | A length of decorative drapery attached to the canopy or frame of a bed in order to screen the structure or the space beneath it. |
vinyl | Vinyl used as the standard material for records. He had plenty of tapes and vinyls. |
wool | Yarn or textile fibre made from wool. Carpets made of 80 per cent wool and 20 per cent nylon. |
yarn | Tell or spin a yarn. Hanks of pale green yarn. |