FAMILIAR WITH: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FAMILIAR WITH?

Need another word that means the same as “familiar with”? Find 30 related words for “familiar with” in this overview.

Associations of "Familiar with" (30 Words)

acquaintanceAcquaintances considered collectively.
His extensive acquaintance included Oscar Wilde and Yeats.
acquaintedHaving fair knowledge of.
They were acquainted.
adeptVery skilled or proficient at something.
She is adept at cutting through red tape.
adroitQuick or skillful or adept in action or thought.
An exceptionally adroit pianist.
affairBusiness and financial dealings.
I wanted the funeral to be a family affair.
ambientRelating to ambient music.
The liquid is stored at below ambient temperature.
aroundAll around or on all sides.
Weighs around a hundred pounds.
closeClose in relevance or relationship.
My business closes every night at 8 P M.
closelyIn a careful and attentive way.
Closely spaced homes.
closenessThe quality of being done in an attentive and thorough way.
Their closeness grew as the night wore on.
connectedStored in, controlled by, or in direct communication with a central computer.
First check to see whether the appliance is connected.
conversantWell informed about or knowing thoroughly.
Conversant with business trends.
deftDemonstrating skill and cleverness.
A deft piece of footwork.
dexterousShowing or having skill, especially with the hands.
A dexterous keyboard player.
dextrousSkillful in physical movements; especially of the hands.
experiencedHaving experience; having knowledge or skill from observation or participation.
She was experienced in marketing.
extraordinarilyIn a very unusual or remarkable way.
It is a simple story extraordinarily well told.
familiarityUsualness by virtue of being familiar or well known.
His familiarity with the works of Thomas Hardy.
familiarlyIn an intimately familiar manner.
informedHaving much knowledge or education.
The informed customer.
intimacyClose or warm friendship.
He acquired an intimacy with Swahili literature.
intimateImply as a possibility.
They are on intimate terms.
intimatelyIn a private and personal way.
The two phenomena are intimately connected.
involvementThe condition of sharing in common with others (as fellows or partners etc.
He escaped involvement in the accident.
knowKnow how to do or perform something.
A man who had known better times.
prevailingMost frequent or common.
Prevailing winds.
proficientA person who is proficient.
He became a proficient in Latin and Greek.
skillfulDone with delicacy and skill.
A lesser known but no less skillful composer.
socialityThe tendency to associate with others and to form social groups.
Mammals as a class are not strong on sociality.
tactfulShowing skill and sensitivity in dealing with people.
She was tactful enough not to shatter his illusion.

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