Need another word that means the same as “ferocity”? Find 12 synonyms and 30 related words for “ferocity” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Ferocity” are: fierceness, furiousness, fury, vehemence, violence, wildness, savagery, brutality, barbarity, aggression, bloodthirstiness, murderousness
Ferocity as a Noun
Definitions of "Ferocity" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “ferocity” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The property of being wild or turbulent.
- The state or quality of being ferocious.

Synonyms of "Ferocity" as a noun (12 Words)
aggression | A feeling of hostility that arouses thoughts of attack. His chin was jutting with aggression. |
barbarity | Extreme cruelty or brutality. The barbarity of the act outraged millions. |
bloodthirstiness | A disposition to shed blood. |
brutality | Savage physical violence; great cruelty. Brutality against civilians. |
fierceness | The property of being wild or turbulent. |
furiousness | The property of being wild or turbulent. |
fury | A surge of violent anger or other strong feeling. The fury of a gathering storm. |
murderousness | Cruelty evidence by a capability to commit murder. |
savagery | The property of being untamed and ferocious. A crime of the utmost savagery. |
vehemence | Intensity or forcefulness of expression. The vehemence of his reaction. |
violence | The unlawful exercise of physical force or intimidation by the exhibition of such force. Screen violence. |
wildness | An unruly disposition to do as one pleases. The wildness of his anger. |

Usage Examples of "Ferocity" as a noun
- She hated him with a ferocity that astonished her.
- The ferocity of the storm caught them by surprise.

Associations of "Ferocity" (30 Words)
aggression | Violent action that is hostile and usually unprovoked. Territorial aggression between individuals of the same species. |
aggressive | Characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight. Aggressive drivers. |
atrocity | A highly unpleasant or distasteful object. A textbook which detailed war atrocities. |
barbarism | Absence of culture and civilization. The collapse of civilization and the return to barbarism. |
brunt | Main force of a blow etc. Education will bear the brunt of the cuts. |
brutal | Unpleasant or harsh. A brutal murder. |
counterattack | Make a counterattack. |
cruelty | Feelings of extreme heartlessness. She divorced my stepfather for persistent cruelty. |
enraged | Very angry; furious. An enraged mob screamed abuse. |
ferocious | Marked by extreme and violent energy. A ferocious headache. |
fierce | Ruthless in competition. Fierce loyalty. |
furious | Full of anger or energy; violent or intense. A furious battle. |
fury | A surge of violent anger or other strong feeling. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. |
inhuman | Lacking human qualities of compassion and mercy; cruel and barbaric. A babel of inhuman noises. |
inhumanity | An act of atrocious cruelty. Man s inhumanity to man. |
insensate | Without compunction or human feeling. A positively insensate hatred. |
irate | Feeling or showing extreme anger. A barrage of irate letters. |
oppression | A feeling of being oppressed. After years of oppression they finally revolted. |
outrage | An action or event causing outrage. Her voice trembled with outrage. |
rampage | (especially of a large group of people) move through a place in a violent and uncontrollable manner. Several thousand demonstrators rampaged through the city. |
repression | The act of repressing; control by holding down. Children and adults pay a heavy price for their deep repression of thoughts about death. |
ruthlessness | Mercilessness characterized by a lack of pity. The real world ruthlessness of business. |
savage | Attack brutally and fiercely. Police are rounding up dogs after a girl was savaged. |
savagery | A brutal barbarous savage act. A craving for barbaric splendor for savagery and color and the throb of drums. |
tantrum | A display of bad temper. She threw a tantrum. |
tyranny | A state under cruel and oppressive government. The tyranny of the nine to five day. |
violence | The property of being wild or turbulent. He may accomplish by craft in the long run what he cannot do by force and violence in the short one. |
violent | Marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions inclined to react violently fervid. Violent fiery colours. |
wrath | Extreme anger. He hid his pipe for fear of incurring his father s wrath. |