Need another word that means the same as “feverish”? Find 23 synonyms and 30 related words for “feverish” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Feverish” are: febrile, feverous, hectic, frenzied, frenetic, agitated, excited, restless, nervous, worked up, overwrought, frantic, furious, distracted, hysterical, wild, manic, maniacal, like one possessed, fevered, with a high temperature, hot, burning
Feverish as an Adjective
Definitions of "Feverish" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “feverish” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Having or affected by a fever.
- Characterized by or displaying a frenetic excitement or energy.
- Having or showing the symptoms of a fever.
- Marked by intense agitation or emotion.
- Of or relating to or characterized by fever.

Synonyms of "Feverish" as an adjective (23 Words)
agitated | Troubled emotionally and usually deeply. She was red and agitated with the effort of arguing. |
burning | Very keenly or deeply felt; intense. A burning building. |
distracted | Having the attention diverted especially because of anxiety. Charlotte seemed too distracted to give him much attention. |
excited | In an aroused state. They were excited about the prospect. |
febrile | Characterized by a great deal of nervous excitement or energy. The febrile atmosphere of the city. |
fevered | Highly or nervously excited. My fevered adolescent imagination. |
feverous | Feverish. |
frantic | Excessively agitated; distraught with fear or other violent emotion. Frantic with anger and frustration. |
frenetic | Fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way. Frenetic screams followed the accident. |
frenzied | Wildly excited or uncontrolled. A frenzied attack. |
furious | As if showing violent anger. He drove at a furious speed. |
hectic | Relating to or affected by a regularly recurrent fever typically accompanying tuberculosis, with flushed cheeks and hot, dry skin. A hectic business schedule. |
hot | (of goods) stolen and difficult to dispose of because easily identifiable. A hot love affair. |
hysterical | Characterized by or arising from psychoneurotic hysteria. A mob of hysterical vigilantes. |
like one possessed | Conforming in every respect. |
maniacal | Exhibiting extremely wild or violent behaviour. John burst into maniacal laughter. |
manic | (in psychiatry) relating to or affected by mania. The pace is utterly manic. |
nervous | Of or relating to the nervous system. He s nervous of speaking in public. |
overwrought | Deeply agitated especially from emotion. She was too overwrought to listen to reason. |
restless | Offering no physical or emotional rest; involving constant activity. The audience grew restless and inattentive. |
wild | Produced from wild animals or plants without cultivation. An expanse of wild moorland. |
with a high temperature | Being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward extension (sometimes used in combinations like `knee-high. |
worked up | Being or moving higher in position or greater in some value; being above a former position or level. |

Usage Examples of "Feverish" as an adjective
- She felt sick and feverish.
- The next couple of weeks were spent in a whirl of feverish activity.
- Worked at a feverish pace.
- A feverish cold.
Associations of "Feverish" (30 Words)
agenda | The underlying intentions or motives of a particular person or group. He vowed to put jobs at the top of his agenda. |
agitated | Physically disturbed or set in motion. There s no point getting agitated. |
almanac | A handbook, typically published annually, containing information of general interest or on a sport or pastime. |
anxiety | A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. She suffered from anxiety attacks. |
aroused | Aroused to action. I felt very aroused. |
calendar | Enter something in a calendar or timetable. It was at their discretion whether to index or calendar the records. |
date | Stamp with a date. She asked how to avoid kissing at the end of a date. |
day | Daylight. It is easier to make the repairs in the daytime. |
disquiet | Disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed. World leaders are surely disquieted by the prospect of a global economic meltdown. |
docket | Place on the docket for legal action. The clothes would be handed in and neatly docketed. |
excited | Marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion. The excited children. |
febrile | Characterized by a great deal of nervous excitement or energy. A febrile reaction caused by an allergen. |
flushed | (especially of the face) reddened or suffused with or as if with blood from emotion or exertion. Flushed or crimson with embarrassment. |
frantic | Conducted in a hurried, excited, and disorganized way. She was frantic with worry. |
frenzied | Affected with or marked by frenzy or mania uncontrolled by reason- H.W.Carter. A frenzied mob. |
hectic | A hectic fever or flush. A hectic business schedule. |
impatience | The tendency to be impatient; irritability or restlessness. She crumpled up the pages in a burst of impatience. |
impatient | (usually followed by `to’) full of eagerness. They are impatient for change. |
intensity | The magnitude of sound (usually in a specified direction. There s an intensity in his eyes that s downright scary. |
jittery | Characterized by jerky movements. Caffeine makes me jittery. |
nervy | Bold or impudent. He was nervy and on edge. |
schedule | Make a schedule plan the time and place for events. I ve scheduled a concert next week. |
temper | Make more temperate acceptable or suitable by adding something else. The way a smith would temper a sword. |
tense | Pronounced with relatively tense tongue muscles e g the vowel sound in beat. The bodybuilder s neck muscles tensed. |
uneasiness | The trait of seeming ill at ease. The media often express a general uneasiness with animal research. |
uneasy | Relating to bodily unease that causes discomfort. She fell into an uneasy sleep. |
uptight | Anxious or angry in a tense and overly controlled way. He is so uptight about everything. |
weary | Be distressed; fret. The weary journey began again. |
wild | In a wild or undomesticated manner. A wild bullet. |
workload | Work that a person is expected to do in a specified time. He had been given three deputies to ease his workload. |