Need another word that means the same as “flee”? Find 29 synonyms and 30 related words for “flee” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Flee” are: fly, take flight, run, run away, run off, make a run for it, run for it, be gone, make off, take off, take to one's heels, make a break for it, bolt, beat a retreat, beat a hasty retreat, make a quick exit, make one's getaway, escape, absent oneself, make oneself scarce, abscond, head for the hills, do a disappearing act, run away from, leave abruptly, leave hastily, escape from, leave, decamp
Flee as a Verb
Definitions of "Flee" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “flee” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Run away from a place or situation of danger.
- Run away from (someone or something.
- Run away quickly.

Synonyms of "Flee" as a verb (29 Words)
abscond | Run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along. The barman absconded with a week s takings. |
absent oneself | Go away or leave. |
be gone | Form or compose. |
beat a hasty retreat | Indicate by beating, as with the fingers or drumsticks. |
beat a retreat | Glare or strike with great intensity. |
bolt | Secure or lock with a bolt. New benefits have been bolted on to the social security system. |
decamp | Run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along. The armies of both chiefs had decamped. |
do a disappearing act | Create or design, often in a certain way. |
escape | Escape potentially unpleasant consequences get away with a forbidden action. The name escaped him. |
escape from | Be incomprehensible to; escape understanding by. |
fly | Cause to fly or float. All nations fly their flags in front of the U N. |
head for the hills | Travel in front of; go in advance of others. |
leave | Leave behind unintentionally. Leave the flowers that you see in the park behind. |
leave abruptly | Go and leave behind, either intentionally or by neglect or forgetfulness. |
leave hastily | Remove oneself from an association with or participation in. |
make a break for it | Cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner. |
make a quick exit | Gather and light the materials for. |
make a run for it | Make, formulate, or derive in the mind. |
make off | Form by assembling individuals or constituents. |
make one's getaway | Make, formulate, or derive in the mind. |
make oneself scarce | Institute, enact, or establish. |
run | Move about freely and without restraint or act as if running around in an uncontrolled way. Does this old car still run well. |
run away | Move along, of liquids. |
run away from | Direct or control; projects, businesses, etc. |
run for it | Change or be different within limits. |
run off | Be affected by; be subjected to. |
take flight | Take something or somebody with oneself somewhere. |
take off | Be a student of a certain subject. |
take to one's heels | Interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression. |

Usage Examples of "Flee" as a verb
- He was forced to flee the country.
- To escape the fighting, his family fled from their village.

Associations of "Flee" (30 Words)
apophasis | Mentioning something by saying it will not be mentioned. |
asylum | A shelter from danger or hardship. We provide asylum for those too ill to care for themselves. |
avoid | Refrain from certain foods or beverages. Gerard avoided meeting his eye. |
bypass | An alternative channel created during a bypass operation. I had a bypass last year so have been building up my strength. |
circumvent | Avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues. He s circumvented her with some of his stories. |
deflect | Draw someone’s attention away from something. She refused to be deflected from anything she had set her mind on. |
deviant | A deviant person or thing. Deviant behaviour. |
dodge | Move quickly to one side or out of the way. Adam dodged between the cars. |
elude | Escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skilful or cunning way. The logic of this eluded most people. |
emigration | Migration from a place (especially migration from your native country in order to settle in another. Mass emigration from Ireland to the United States. |
escape | Be incomprehensible to escape understanding by. He could think of no way of escape short of rudeness. |
escaped | Having escaped especially from confinement. Escaped convicts. |
eschew | Deliberately avoid using; abstain from. He appealed to the crowd to eschew violence. |
evade | Escape, either physically or mentally. This difficult idea seems to evade her. |
exodus | A mass departure of people. The annual exodus of sun seeking Canadians to Florida. |
haven | An inlet providing shelter for ships or boats; a harbour or small port. A haven for wildlife. |
horrified | Stricken with horror. The horrified spectators. |
influx | An arrival or entry of large numbers of people or things. A massive influx of tourists. |
migrant | Habitually moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work. Migrant birds. |
ostracize | Expel from a community or group. Ever since I spoke up my colleagues ostracize me. |
parry | An act of parrying something. The swords clashed in a parry. |
persecution | The act of persecuting (especially on the basis of race or religion. Her family fled religious persecution. |
refugee | An exile who flees for safety. A refugee camp. |
run | The act of running traveling on foot at a fast pace. The coach put great emphasis on running. |
sanctuary | Area around the altar of a church for the clergy and choir; often enclosed by a lattice or railing. A donkey sanctuary. |
shambles | A state of total disorder. My career was in a shambles. |
shun | Avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of. He shunned fashionable society. |
sidestep | A step to one side (as in boxing or dancing. He neatly sidestepped the questions about riots. |
undiagnosed | Not diagnosed or having been subject to diagnosis. Some patients have diseases that go undiagnosed and therefore untreated. |
veer | An offensive play using a modified T-formation with a split backfield, which allows the quarterback the option of passing to the fullback, pitching to a running back, or running with the ball. The wind veered. |