Need another word that means the same as “flexible”? Find 33 synonyms and 30 related words for “flexible” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Flexible” are: elastic, pliable, pliant, flexile, whippy, compromising, conciliatory, supple, bendable, malleable, stretchable, workable, limber, ductile, tensile, plastic, adaptable, adjustable, open-ended, open, open to change, changeable, variable, fluid, versatile, accommodating, amenable, biddable, willing to compromise, cooperative, tolerant, forgiving, long-suffering
Flexible as an Adjective
Definitions of "Flexible" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “flexible” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Bending and snapping back readily without breaking.
- Capable of being changed.
- Able to adjust readily to different conditions.
- Able to be easily modified to respond to altered circumstances.
- Making or willing to make concessions.
- (of a person) ready and able to change so as to adapt to different circumstances.
- Capable of bending easily without breaking.
- Able to flex; able to bend easily.

Synonyms of "Flexible" as an adjective (33 Words)
accommodating | Helpful in bringing about a harmonious adaptation. We always found the our local branch most accommodating. |
adaptable | Able to be modified for a new use or purpose. Telephone links that are adaptable for modems. |
adjustable | Capable of being changed so as to match or fit. Adjustable interest rates. |
amenable | Capable of being acted upon in a particular way; susceptible. The president is amenable to the constitutional court. |
bendable | Capable of being bent or flexed or twisted without breaking. |
biddable | Meekly ready to accept and follow instructions. A gentle biddable soul. |
changeable | Subject to change. Cover the tables with changeable cloths. |
compromising | Making or willing to make concessions. She found herself in a compromising situation. |
conciliatory | Making or willing to make concessions. A conciliatory visit. |
cooperative | Willing to adjust to differences in order to obtain agreement. Every member has clearly defined tasks in a cooperative enterprise. |
ductile | Capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out. Ductile copper. |
elastic | Able to encompass much variety and change; flexible and adaptable. An elastic band. |
flexile | Pliant and flexible. The serpent s flexile body. |
fluid | Characteristic of a fluid capable of flowing and easily changing shape. Liquid or fluid assets. |
forgiving | (of a thing) easy or safe to deal with. Snow is a forgiving surface on which to fall. |
limber | (used of e.g. personality traits) readily adaptable. I have to practise to keep myself limber. |
long-suffering | Patiently bearing continual wrongs or trouble. |
malleable | Easily influenced; pliable. A malleable metal can be beaten into a sheet. |
open | Of a victor having won an open competition. Open sports cars. |
open to change | Ready or willing to receive favorably. |
open-ended | Without fixed limits or restrictions. |
plastic | Made of plastic. Rendering the material more plastic. |
pliable | Capable of being bent or flexed or twisted without breaking. Pliable teenage minds. |
pliant | Capable of being influenced or formed. Pliant willow stems. |
stretchable | Capable of being easily stretched and resuming former size or shape. |
supple | Gracefully thin and bending and moving with ease. Her supple fingers. |
tensile | Capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out. Made of highly tensile steel alloy. |
tolerant | Tolerant and forgiving under provocation. Injustice can make us tolerant and forgiving. |
variable | (of a quantity) able to assume different numerical values. Awards can be for variable amounts. |
versatile | Changeable; inconstant. He was versatile enough to play on either wing. |
whippy | Bending and snapping back readily without breaking. New growths of whippy sapling twigs. |
willing to compromise | Disposed or inclined toward. |
workable | Capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are. A workable peace settlement. |

Usage Examples of "Flexible" as an adjective
- Flexible schedules.
- You can save money if you're flexible about where your room is located.
- Slim flexible birches.
- A flexible personality.
- Small businesses which are dependent on flexible working hours.
- Flexible rubber seals.

Associations of "Flexible" (30 Words)
adaptable | Able to be modified for a new use or purpose. The frame was adaptable to cloth bolts of different widths. |
adjustable | Capable of being changed so as to match or fit. An adjustable spanner. |
bouncy | Marked by lively action. A bouncy ball. |
collapsible | (of an object) able to be folded into a small space. A collapsible bed. |
convertible | A convertible security. Nationalism is too easily convertible into bitterness and selfishness. |
distensible | Capable of being distended; able to stretch and expand. The stomach is a distensible organ. |
distension | Swelling, especially in part of the body, caused by pressure from inside. She complained of abdominal distension after meals. |
ductile | Easily influenced. Ductile copper. |
ductility | The malleability of something that can be drawn into threads or wires or hammered into thin sheets. |
elastic | A fabric made of yarns containing an elastic material. The definition of nationality is elastic in this cosmopolitan country. |
elasticity | The ability of an object or material to resume its normal shape after being stretched or compressed; stretchiness. The price elasticity of electricity demand. |
extensible | Capable of being protruded or stretched or opened out. Silk is an exceptionally strong extensible and tough material. |
flexibility | The quality of bending easily without breaking. The government has shown flexibility in applying its policy. |
impressionable | Easily influenced. An impressionable youngster. |
labile | Liable to change; easily altered. Persons whose blood pressure is more labile will carry an enhanced risk of heart attack. |
limber | Attach the limber. The violist limbered her wrists before the concert. |
malleability | The property of being physically malleable; the property of something that can be worked or hammered or shaped without breaking. |
malleable | Capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out. A malleable metal can be beaten into a sheet. |
plastically | In a plastic manner. |
plasticity | The property of being physically malleable; the property of something that can be worked or hammered or shaped without breaking. Fine clay at the right degree of plasticity is more useful. |
pliable | Capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out. Pliable teenage minds. |
pliant | Capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out. A more pliant prime minister. |
resilient | Elastic; rebounds readily. A shoe with resilient cushioning. |
rubber | A piece of rubber used for erasing pencil or ink marks. A rubber dinghy. |
stretch | Become longer by being stretched and pulled. The cost of the court case has stretched their finances to the limit. |
stretched | Extended or spread over a wide area or distance. Well stretched muscles are less susceptible to injury. |
stretching | Act of expanding by lengthening or widening. |
supple | Moving and bending with ease. My mind is becoming more supple. |
tensile | Relating to tension. Made of highly tensile steel alloy. |
versatile | Able to move freely in all directions. A versatile sewing machine. |