FLUNG: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FLUNG?

Need another word that means the same as “flung”? Find 30 related words for “flung” in this overview.

Associations of "Flung" (30 Words)

binStore in bins.
She was a bit weird so I binned her off.
bingeIndulge in an activity, especially eating, drinking, or taking drugs, to excess.
The kids binged on ice cream.
chuckA throw.
Many would chuck it all if it was financially feasible.
dartA small pointed missile with a feather or plastic flight used in the game of darts.
Jack s first dart pierced the treble twenty.
discardAnything that is cast aside or discarded.
Hilary bundled up the clothes she had discarded.
discusA disk used in throwing competitions.
disposeMake receptive or willing towards an action or attitude or belief.
The government proposed but the trade union movement disposed.
dumpA heap of rubbish left at a dump.
These countries have been dumping cheap fertilizers on the UK market.
flipThe act of flipping a coin.
The fish flipped over.
garbageFood that is discarded (as from a kitchen.
A garbage dump.
Rioters hurled a brick through the windscreen.
jettisonThe action of jettisoning something.
The scheme was jettisoned.
luxuryLuxurious or of the nature of a luxury.
They actually had the luxury of a whole day together.
pebble(of a spectacle lens) very thick and convex.
A narrow pebble beach.
prodigalityExcessive spending.
somersaultPerform a somersault or make a similar movement accidentally.
Paula s stomach turned a somersault.
spendingThe act of spending or disbursing money.
spinSpin dry clothes.
He tried to put a positive spin on the president s campaign.
splurgeSpend (money) freely or extravagantly.
I splurged on a new TV.
surplusThe excess value of a company’s assets over the face value of its stock.
Exports of food surpluses.
taxationGovernment income due to taxation.
Direct taxation was low.
throwAn illegitimate delivery considered to have been thrown rather than properly bowled.
A shoulder throw.
tossThe action of tossing a coin as a method of deciding which team has the right to make a particular decision at the beginning of a game.
The toss of a coin.
turnTurning or twisting around in place.
She is turning 50 this year.
turnoverThe act of upsetting something.
The team were sitting on their lead and taking care to avoid turnovers.
unloadLeave or unload.
The street was jammed with vans unloading.
wasteRun off as waste.
It s a waste of time trying to argue with him.
wastebasketA container with an open top; for discarded paper and other rubbish.
wastefulInefficient in use of time and effort and materials.
Wasteful energy consumption.
whirlA usually brief attempt.
A hazelnut whirl.

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