FOOTLOOSE AND FANCY FREE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FOOTLOOSE AND FANCY FREE?

Need another word that means the same as “footloose and fancy free”? Find 30 related words for “footloose and fancy free” in this overview.

Associations of "Footloose and fancy free" (30 Words)

absolve(in church use) give absolution for (a sin.
The pardon absolved them of any crimes.
autonomousExisting as an independent entity.
School governors are legally autonomous.
complimentaryExpressing a compliment; praising or approving.
Jennie was very complimentary about Kath s riding.
discretionThe trait of judging wisely and objectively.
Local authorities should use their discretion in setting the charges.
disengageRelease from something that holds fast, connects, or entangles.
The clutch will not disengage.
dislodgeRemove or force out from a position.
The new employee dislodged her by moving into her office space.
emancipateSet free, especially from legal, social, or political restrictions.
The citizen must be emancipated from the obsessive secrecy of government.
emancipationFreeing someone from the control of another; especially a parent’s relinquishing authority and control over a minor child.
The early struggle for emancipation from slavery.
freelanceEarn one s living as a freelance.
A freelance journalist.
gratisGiven or done for nothing; free.
A monthly programme was issued gratis.
illimitableWithout limits in extent or size or quantity.
The illimitable human capacity for evil.
inexpensiveNot costing a great deal; cheap.
Inexpensive family restaurants.
informalHaving or fostering a warm or friendly and informal atmosphere.
An informal atmosphere.
leewayA permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits.
The government had greater leeway to introduce reforms.
liberallyIn a generous manner.
He gave liberally to several charities.
liberateRelease (gas or energy) as a result of a chemical reaction or physical decomposition.
Ways of working politically that liberate women.
liberationThe attempt to achieve equal rights or status.
She worked for women s liberation.
libertyThe personification of liberty as a female figure.
How did he know what she was thinking it was a liberty.
looseLoose play.
A box of loose nails.
looselyIn a way that is not close, compact, or solid in structure or formation.
Buildings are grouped loosely around a village green.
loosenessA lack of strict accuracy; laxity of practice.
Misunderstandings can often be traced to a looseness of expression.
manumitRelease from slavery; set free.
Old Angus had never manumitted a single slave.
renewableCapable of being renewed; replaceable.
We are on renewable annual contracts.
separatistRelating to separatists or separatism.
Religious separatists.
unencumberedNot having any burden or impediment.
He needed to travel light and unencumbered.
unfetteredNot bound by shackles and chains.
Unfettered artistic genius.
unofficialDenoting strike action not called or endorsed by the union to which the strikers belong.
The early election returns are unofficial.
unrestrictedAccessible to all.
Unrestricted access to both military bases.
untieUndo or unfasten (something that is tied or tied up.
Morton untied the parcel.

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