Need another word that means the same as “for dilemma”? Find 30 related words for “for dilemma” in this overview.
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Associations of "For dilemma" (30 Words)
adversity | A difficult or unpleasant situation. Debt ridden farmers struggling with adversity. |
agonize | Cause to agonize. A question which will agonize the technocrats. |
ail | Trouble or afflict (someone) in mind or body. Exercise is good for whatever ails one. |
challenge | Issue a challenge to. Incumbent Democrats are being challenged in the 29th district. |
complication | An involved or confused condition or state. Her coming was a serious complication. |
difficult | Not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure. The questions are too difficult for the children. |
difficulty | A thing that is hard to accomplish, deal with, or understand. I managed with difficulty to struggle upright. |
disquiet | A feeling of mild anxiety about possible developments. It disquiets us that he may be out of jail. |
distress | Bring into difficulties or distress especially financial hardship. To his distress he saw that she was trembling. |
hardship | Something that causes or entails suffering- James Boswell. The many hardships of frontier life. |
impasse | A situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible. The current political impasse. |
inconvenience | To cause inconvenience or discomfort to. The inconvenience of having to change trains. |
knotty | Used of old persons or old trees; covered with knobs or knots. A knotty problem. |
nuisance | An act which is harmful or offensive to the public or a member of it and for which there is a legal remedy. I hope you re not going to make a nuisance of yourself. |
perturb | Disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed. The electrons were perturbed by the passing ion. |
plight | A situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one. We must direct our efforts towards relieving the plight of children living in poverty. |
predicament | A difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation. The club s financial predicament. |
problem | Denoting or relating to people whose behaviour causes difficulties to themselves and others. She and her husband are having problems. |
problematic | Making great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve or believe. The situation was problematic for teachers. |
puzzled | Unable to understand; perplexed. The questioners were met with puzzled looks. |
quandary | A situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one. Kate was in a quandary. |
questionable | Subject to question. Questionable motives. |
stalemate | Subject to a stalemate. Last time I played him it ended up in stalemate. |
suffering | Psychological suffering. Weapons that cause unnecessary suffering. |
tangled | Highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious. Oh what a tangled web we weave. |
tortuous | Highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious. A tortuous argument. |
tough | Feeling physical discomfort or pain tough is occasionally used colloquially for bad. The hastily prepared steak was tough. |
trouble | Take the trouble to do something concern oneself. He won without any trouble. |
unaccustomed | Not customary or usual. They finished their supper with unaccustomed speed. |
upset | The act of upsetting something. His carelessness could have caused an ecological upset. |