FOR FORMAL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FOR FORMAL?

Need another word that means the same as “for formal”? Find 30 related words for “for formal” in this overview.

Associations of "For formal" (30 Words)

apparelClothing in general.
All the vestments in which they used to apparel their Deities.
attireClothes, especially fine or formal ones.
The usually sober attire of British security service personnel.
axiomaticContaining aphorisms or maxims.
1914 saw the first axiomatic declaration of exactly what constitutes a ring.
becomingSuitable or appropriate.
Do not talk too much to your cousins it s not becoming.
ceremoniousCharacterized by pomp and ceremony and stately display.
He accepted the gifts with ceremonious dignity.
chiffon(of a cake or dessert) made with beaten egg to give a light consistency.
A chiffon blouse.
clothingClothes collectively.
Bring warm clothing and waterproofs.
corsetDress with a corset.
courtlyRefined or imposing in manner or appearance; befitting a royal court.
He gave a courtly bow.
cursoryHasty and therefore not thorough or detailed.
A casual or cursory inspection failed to reveal the house s structural flaws.
decorumBehaviour in keeping with good taste and propriety.
He had acted with the utmost decorum.
deductiveInvolving inferences from general principles.
I used my deductive powers.
dressDress or groom with elaborate care.
She likes to dress when going to the opera.
etiquetteThe customary code of polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession or group.
Etiquette books.
formalityA thing that is done simply to comply with convention, regulations, or custom.
A mere formality.
mannerA kind.
An adverb of manner.
manneredHaving unnatural mannerisms.
Inane dialogue and mannered acting.
methodA way of doing something, especially a systematic way; implies an orderly logical arrangement (usually in steps.
A method for software maintenance.
negligeeA woman’s light dressing gown, typically made of a filmy, soft fabric.
A black silk negligee.
nightgownA dressing gown.
nominalExpressed in terms of current prices or figures, without making allowance for changes over time.
The nominal exchange rate.
outfitA complete set of equipment needed for a particular purpose.
Warders outfitted in special suits.
perfunctoryDone or produced as a formality only.
He gave a perfunctory nod.
pretensePretending with intention to deceive.
proceduralRelating to an established or official way of doing something.
The developers had complied with all the relevant procedural requirements.
Ladies clothed in raiment bedecked with jewels.
sandalA light shoe with either an openwork upper or straps attaching the sole to the foot.
They were dressed in open toed sandals.
sartorialOf or relating to a tailor or to tailoring.
Sartorial elegance.
statelyRefined or imposing in manner or appearance; befitting a royal court.
A stately 19th century mansion.
titular(of a cleric) nominally appointed to serve a diocese, abbey, or other foundation no longer in existence, and typically in fact having authority in another capacity.
The nominal or titular head of his party.

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