Categories: GeneralSynonyms

FOR MASSAGE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FOR MASSAGE?

Need another word that means the same as “for massage”? Find 30 related words for “for massage” in this overview.

Associations of "For massage" (30 Words)

acupunctureA system of complementary medicine in which fine needles are inserted in the skin at specific points along what are considered to be lines of energy (meridians), used in the treatment of various physical and mental conditions.
biofeedbackA process whereby electronic monitoring of a normally automatic bodily function is used to train someone to acquire voluntary control of that function.
chiropodistA person who treats the feet and their ailments.
She decided to train as a chiropodist.
counselorSomeone who gives advice about problems.
curativeA curative medicine or agent.
Curative powers of herbal remedies.
cureA substance or treatment that cures a disease or condition.
A bid to trace and cure the gearbox problems.
dialysisThe clinical purification of blood by dialysis as a substitute for the normal function of the kidney.
doctorRestore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken.
She is a doctor of philosophy in physics.
dosageA measured portion of medicine taken at any one time.
There are recommendations about dosage in elderly patients.
healerSomething that alleviates distress or anguish.
A spiritual healer and medium.
healingThe natural process by which the body repairs itself.
The healing process.
herbalA book that describes herbs and their culinary and medicinal properties.
Herbal remedies.
homeopathyA method of treating disease with small amounts of remedies that, in large amounts in healthy people, produce symptoms similar to those being treated.
injectionA thing that is injected.
A morphine injection.
medicineTreat medicinally treat with medicine.
The remarkable achievements of modern medicine.
nostrumHypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemists.
A charlatan who sells nostrums.
orthopedicOf or relating to orthopedics.
Orthopedic shoes.
osteopathA therapist who manipulates the skeleton and muscles.
pharmacopoeiaAn official publication containing a list of medicinal drugs with their effects and directions for their use.
podiatristA person who treats the feet and their ailments; a chiropodist.
If a toe has a discharge it is likely infected and needs to be treated by a podiatrist.
psychiatristA medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness.
relaxingAffording physical or mental rest.
The warm water was very relaxing.
remedialTending or intended to rectify or improve.
Remedial education.
remedyThe margin within which coins as minted may differ from the standard fineness and weight.
Compensation is available as a remedy against governmental institutions.
rubScrape or rub as if to relieve itching.
She rubbed her arm where she had a large bruise.
therapeuticAdministered or applied for reasons of health.
A therapeutic silence.
therapistA person who treats psychological problems a psychotherapist.
Cost is one factor keeping them from the therapist s couch.
therapyThe act of caring for someone (as by medication or remedial training etc.
The therapy helps the patient to deal with difficult relationships.
treatmentA manner of dealing with something artistically.
I m receiving treatment for an injured shoulder.
veterinaryA doctor who practices veterinary medicine.
A veterinary nurse.

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