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FOR MISSING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FOR MISSING?

Need another word that means the same as “for missing”? Find 30 related words for “for missing” in this overview.

Associations of "For missing" (30 Words)

abductionThe action of forcibly taking someone away against their will.
They organized the abduction of Mr Cordes on his way to the airport.
absentGo away or remain away.
An absent stare.
crampedInhibiting the development of someone or something.
Trying to bring children up in cramped high rise apartments.
deficiencyLack of an adequate quantity or number.
Water is the critical deficiency in desert regions.
deficientFalling short of some prescribed norm.
Deficient in common sense.
furloughLeave of absence from a job, position, or period of military service.
They let him out of prison on a weekend furlough.
goneIn a trance or stupor, especially through exhaustion, drink, or drugs.
A bunch of real gone cats.
inadequateNot sufficient to meet a need.
These labels prove to be wholly inadequate.
indigentA needy person.
A charity for the relief of indigent artists.
insufficientNot enough; inadequate.
There was insufficient evidence to convict him.
lacking(of a quality) absent.
Her appetite was lacking.
layoffThe act of laying off an employee or a work force.
leaveGo and leave behind either intentionally or by neglect or forgetfulness.
The parts he disliked he would alter and the parts he didn t dislike he d leave.
loseMiss from one s possessions lose sight of.
She couldn t eat and began to lose weight.
lossEuphemistic expressions for death.
Insurance can protect you against financial loss.
meagerDeficient in amount or quality or extent.
Meager fare.
minusOn the negative side or lower end of a scale.
C minus.
mislayUnintentionally put (an object) where it cannot readily be found and so lose it temporarily.
I seem to have mislaid my car keys.
missPass by without touching; chance not to hit.
He s rich he won t miss the money.
presenceThe act of being present.
The presence of chlorine in the atmosphere.
scantLess than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so.
She weighed a scant two pounds.
scantySmall or insufficient in quantity or amount.
A scanty harvest.
shortOf a vowel categorized as short with regard to quality and length e g in standard British English the vowel in good is short as distinct from the long vowel u in food.
They have been backed at short odds to win thousands of pounds.
substandardFalling short of some prescribed norm.
Substandard spellings.
truantOf a pupil being a truant.
If my daughter had been truanting from school I would have been informed.
undermannedInadequate in number of workers or assistants etc.
undersizedSmaller than normal for its kind.
The undersized cubs may not survive the winter.
unequalA person or thing regarded as unequal to another in status or level.
I have lived for fifty years as an unequal in this country.
unsatisfactoryNot giving satisfaction.
Shops should take back unsatisfactory goods.
wantingInadequate in amount or degree.
Tested and found wanting.

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