Categories: GeneralSynonyms

FOR POPULATION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FOR POPULATION?

Need another word that means the same as “for population”? Find 30 related words for “for population” in this overview.

Associations of "For population" (30 Words)

banishGet rid of (something unwanted.
All thoughts of romance were banished from her head.
boroughA municipal corporation in certain US states.
censusConduct a census.
They censused the deer in the forest.
cityA town created a city by charter and usually containing a cathedral.
The city voted for Republicans in 1994.
communityA group of interdependent organisms inhabiting the same region and interacting with each other.
They hoped to join the NATO community.
densenessThe quality of being mentally slow and limited.
densityThe quantity of mass per unit volume of a substance.
Areas of low population density.
deportConduct oneself in a specified manner.
He was deported to Turkey for his public condemnation of the Shah.
deportationThe expulsion from a country of an undesirable alien.
His deportation to a penal colony.
exileThe act of expelling a person from their native land.
He knew now that he would die in exile.
expatriateA person who lives outside their native country.
Candidates should be willing to expatriate.
extraditeHand over to the authorities of another country.
Brazil refused to extradite him to Britain.
frontierThe extreme limit of understanding or achievement in a particular area.
The success of science in extending the frontiers of knowledge.
ghettoAn isolated or segregated group or area.
The relative security of the gay ghetto.
hamletThe hero of William Shakespeare’s tragedy who hoped to avenge the murder of his father.
internServe as an intern.
The young doctor is interning at the Medical Center this year.
metropolitanRelating to or denoting a metropolitan or his see.
A metropolitan bishop.
municipalRelating or belonging to or characteristic of a municipality.
International law only authorizes a belligerent to punish a spy under its municipal law.
municipalityThe governing body of a municipality.
Voters in each municipality choose between four candidates.
neighborhoodA surrounding or nearby region.
The price is in the neighborhood of 100.
outskirtsThe outer parts of a town or city.
They lived on the outskirts of Houston.
populousDensely populated.
The populous city of Shanghai.
resident(of a computer program, file, etc.) immediately available in computer memory, rather than having to be loaded from elsewhere.
The film studio needed a resident historian.
slumA house or building unfit for human habitation.
Slum dwellers.
suburbanContemptibly dull and ordinary.
Elizabeth despised Ann s house proudness as deeply suburban.
townThe chief city or town of a region.
Britain s major towns and cities.
underpopulatedHaving an insufficient or very small population.
The richly endowed but underpopulated Ivory Coast.
villageA self contained district or community within a town or city regarded as having features characteristic of village life.
All the village could do was listen.
villagerOne who has lived in a village most of their life.
Angry villagers have been forced to leave flooded areas.
westernerAn inhabitant of a western area; especially of the U.S.

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