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FOR STUMBLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FOR STUMBLE?

Need another word that means the same as “for stumble”? Find 30 related words for “for stumble” in this overview.

Associations of "For stumble" (30 Words)

abruptlyIn a rude or curt manner.
The film ends rather abruptly.
balkThe area on a billiard table behind the balkline.
He balked at such a drastic solution.
blunderMake one’s way clumsily or blindly.
I blundered during the job interview.
clangerA conspicuous mistake whose effects seem to reverberate.
He dropped a clanger.
defectA shortcoming, imperfection, or lack.
This device permits detection of defects in the lungs.
deterrentA nuclear weapon or weapons system regarded as deterring an enemy from attack.
Britain s nuclear deterrent.
doubtConsider unlikely or have doubts about.
I doubt that she will accept his proposal of marriage.
fallDescend in free fall under the influence of gravity.
Fall prey to an imposter.
falterSpeak hesitantly.
The music faltered stopped and started up again.
footAn army unit consisting of soldiers who fight on foot.
An 8 foot reed stop.
glideFly in or as if in a glider plane.
The cuckoo makes its approach in a hawklike glide.
hesitateBe reluctant to do something.
One hesitates over publicizing these things.
impedimentAny structure that makes progress difficult.
A serious impediment to scientific progress.
lurchDefeat by a lurch.
He was lurching from one crisis to the next.
misstepA clumsy or badly judged step.
His campaign has been a farrago of missteps and mixed messages.
mumbleTalk indistinctly; usually in a low voice.
Sorry she mumbled.
murmurA rumour.
Now they do not simply murmur against him they quarrel noisily with him.
obscurityAn obscure and unimportant standing; not well known.
Poems of impenetrable obscurity.
obstacleAn obstruction that stands in the way (and must be removed or surmounted or circumvented.
Lack of imagination is an obstacle to one s advancement.
shakilyIn a manner characterized by trembling or shaking.
slipA fielder at slip.
The giant balloon slipped its moorings.
spasmodicAffected by involuntary jerky muscular contractions; resembling a spasm.
His body made a spasmodic jerk.
stagger(of a blow) cause (someone) to walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall.
He staggered along in the heavy snow.
stammerA tendency to stammer.
As a young man he had a dreadful stammer.
stutterA tendency to stutter while speaking.
He shyly stuttered out an invitation to the cinema.
suddenlyQuickly and unexpectedly.
He made up his mind suddenly.
toneA musical interval of two semitones.
Tone a photographic image.
totterMove without being stable, as if threatening to fall.
The drunk man tottered over to our table.
walkA route recommended or marked out for recreational walking.
She walks with a slight limp.
waverBe undecided between two opinions or courses of action.
His love for her had never wavered.

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