FOR WROTE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FOR WROTE?

Need another word that means the same as “for wrote”? Find 30 related words for “for wrote” in this overview.

Associations of "For wrote" (30 Words)

afflatusA divine creative impulse or inspiration.
Divine afflatus.
authorBe the author of a book or piece of writing.
She authored this play.
bardThe winner of a prize for Welsh verse at an Eisteddfod.
Our national bard Robert Burns.
dictationThe action of giving orders authoritatively or categorically.
The dictation of letters.
essayA trial design of a postage stamp yet to be accepted.
A misjudged essay in job preservation.
inditeWrite; compose.
He indites the wondrous tale of Our Lord.
interpolationA remark interjected in a conversation.
With the help of his friend s interpolations his story was eventually told.
journalWrite in a journal or diary.
Medical journals.
manuscriptAn author’s handwritten or typed text that has not yet been published.
An illuminated manuscript.
minstrelCelebrate by singing in the style of minstrels.
They listened to the minstrels singing songs of knightly prowess.
notebookA small compact portable computer.
He copied the number into his notebook.
odeA classical poem of a kind originally meant to be sung.
penAn electronic device like a pen used in conjunction with a writing surface to enter commands or data into a computer.
She was forced to support herself by the pen.
poemA composition written in metrical feet forming rhythmical lines.
The sun is an important symbol in this poem.
poetA writer of poems the term is usually reserved for writers of good poetry.
He is more poet than academic because of his gift for language.
poeticCharacterized by romantic imagery.
A poetic drama.
poeticsThe study of linguistic techniques in poetry and literature.
The terminology of traditional poetics.
proseCompose in or convert into prose.
A prose passage.
quatrainA stanza of four lines.
scriptWrite a script for a play film or broadcast.
The playwright scripted the movie.
shorthandA method of rapid writing by means of abbreviations and symbols used especially for taking dictation The major systems of shorthand currently in use are those devised in 1837 by Sir Isaac Pitman and in the US in 1888 by John R Gregg 1867 1948.
Shorthand notes.
sonnetPraise in a sonnet.
And in delightful Tones sit sonneting.
spellPlace under a spell.
He whispered a spell as he moved his hands.
stenographerA person whose job is to transcribe speech in shorthand.
A court stenographer.
textA textbook.
He took as his text the fact that Australia is paradise.
transcribeRewrite or arrange a piece of music for an instrument or medium other than that originally intended.
The anthropologist transcribed the sentences of the native informant.
transcriptionThe act of arranging and adapting a piece of music.
The funding covers transcription of nearly illegible photocopies.
verseCompose verses or put into verse.
The second verse.
writerA clerk, especially in the navy or in government offices.
The writer of the letter.
writingThe activity or skill of writing.
The idea occurs with increasing frequency in Hemingway s writings.

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